Frank Pasquale
Author of The Black Box Society & New Laws of Robotics; law professor at Cornell Law School & Cornell Tech. [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
29 followers0 following37 posts

“SAP, the supermarket chain Lidl, the Bayern Munich football club and the Port of Hamburg are shifting away from American technology platforms because they don’t want sensitive information running through either US or Chinese servers. As a Bayern Munich spokesperson put it to the Financial […]


One of the most bizarre “moments at his event saw Zuckerberg call an affiliated creator on stage, but then proceed to have a conversation with an AI chatbot version of the creator on a giant screen, while the genuine article stood like a lemon on stage just watching.” […]


“For all its intensely practical importance as a connector of industrial centres and an arch logistician of human movement, the shinkansen continues to play a role as an ideological encapsulator of Japan’s sense of what it is and what it should ideally strive to be. There has never been a fatal […]


“From systemically poor public procurement to hopeless IT, to the hollowing out of core services and expertise at both central and local government, this newly active state stands on atrophying limbs. Stories abound. Officials grappling with the early release of prisoners due to overcrowding […]


“Ours is a world dominated by the invisible, in which intersubjective experience is distorted in its encounter with cognitively estranging forces—be they ideology, quantum mechanics, global warming, or artificial intelligence. Cognitive estrangement, rather than being a prerogative of the […]


“Buoyed by the gains of cheap capital, government contracts and subsidies, and a rising stock market, this new generation of the ultrarich convinced themselves of their exceptionalism.”


“The rapid evolution of drone warfare and the weaponization of commercial and hobbyist drones has since become a stark fact, as has the proliferation of increasingly capable long-range ‘kamikaze‘ or ‘one-way attack’ drones that blur the definitions of drone and missile. Both of their impacts on […]


“When you first sign up, you’re prompted to choose these AI character archetypes: Do you want to hear from Fans? Trolls? Skeptics? Odd-balls? Doomers? Visionaries? Nerds? Drama Queens? Liberals? Conservatives? Welcome to SocialAI, where Trollita Kafka, Vera D. Nothing, Sunshine Sparkle […]


“Decade after decade of peace and affluence has had the consequence of raising expectations. Just a small share of people alive in the west now have clear memories of an existential war. Virtually no one remembers a financial crisis that the state wasn’t able to contain.” […]


Empire of the Sun “is a meditation on time and memory, on how the shocks we encounter become traumas we cannot escape, and how these traces of unbearable pain, retrieved and transformed, can become life-affirming and renewing. Human memory is a constant reprocessing of our lives. As the world […]

Frank Pasquale
Author of The Black Box Society & New Laws of Robotics; law professor at Cornell Law School & Cornell Tech. [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
29 followers0 following37 posts