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Ace! 🔞 🇵🇸
Utopian/Dem Soc catboi who lurks 🩷 The two forbidden Ps: porn and politics 🔞 PoliSci, fmr volunteer educator Pan, he/him, unwilling Florida man Founder& Fmr President, FGCU UniFurs Autism, ADHD, many anxiety disorders; be patient ❤️ Banner by Sharky
84 followers445 following373 posts

My great grandmother (kind of pulling the 1/16th argument here LMAO sorry) moved to the US from (what is now) Ukraine to escape the Holocaust. My family still holds many traditions and I am greatly appreciative of her struggle and can't imagine that pain. That's why we can't put others through that.


than to be equivocated to a genocide. That's why they coined the "Not in my name" campaign and the "Never again" campaign. Jewish people are at the forefront of this struggle. So are Muslims and Palestinians. Those are the voices we should be uplifting right now. It's also worth noting...


Yes, I oppose the genocide of Palestinians. No, I do not support any harmful action against Jews. I am very sympathetic towards and saddened by the plights of Jewish people in the US and elsewhere, but not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. The Jewish people deserve better...


(just realized first post said 1/2 meant 1/x sorry!) These politicians are ignoring the rise in néo-nazi organizations because they support said politicians, politicians like Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. It's not about protecting Jewish people. It's about the Zionist companies and lobbies. (3/x)


It IS antisemitic to think that Jewish students are more threatened by the rise in protests against what the UN calls a genocide and an Apartheid than by the rising action by néonazi groups. Groups that are being ignored by the politicians focused on punishing Pro-Palestine protestors. (2/x)


Hi, just found out someone added me to a list for antisemites. I want to clarify that I am NOT antisemitic. I am anti-zionist, not antisemitic, and the anti-zionist movement is actually led by a lot of Jewish voices and organizations. One I totally recommend is Jewish Voice for Peace. However, (1/2)


Also sorry if it's TMI but is chafing ever a problem with a full latex suit?


Thanks :3 what polish do you use if I may ask?


Wait really? I have friends with some latex and it has to be lubed like every few minutes they wear it (without using it for activities that would normally require lube LOL)


What's ironic about Cassidy gatekeeping is that she applied and was selected (although didn't appear in the competition) to represent a country she has no ties to for Eurovision. She didn't seem to care how much the music was tied to the source then..?

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Ace! 🔞 🇵🇸
Utopian/Dem Soc catboi who lurks 🩷 The two forbidden Ps: porn and politics 🔞 PoliSci, fmr volunteer educator Pan, he/him, unwilling Florida man Founder& Fmr President, FGCU UniFurs Autism, ADHD, many anxiety disorders; be patient ❤️ Banner by Sharky
84 followers445 following373 posts