Achloryn - Remind me to come to your house and shred your shoes
he/him. 40s. Chicago-land. Gettin real tired of Twitter being turned into an absolute shitshow. I mean, it was always a shitshow, but at least it was a WORKING shitshow before.
134 followers141 following2.1k posts

if your allyship is so contingent on someone else doing something you don't like, you're not really an ally anywayif your allyship is so contingent on someone else doing something you don't like, you're not really an ally anyway


No kidding, right? "I'm an ally right up to the point where it asks me to be genuinely uncomfortable or give up something I actually value," is not the statement of an ally.

Achloryn - Remind me to come to your house and shred your shoes
he/him. 40s. Chicago-land. Gettin real tired of Twitter being turned into an absolute shitshow. I mean, it was always a shitshow, but at least it was a WORKING shitshow before.
134 followers141 following2.1k posts