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Ef... bara ef, maður vill klóra í bakkann, hugsið um Dag. Djók, mér er flokk sama.


Afsakið mig. Á mér engar málsbætur.


Scuba divers crossing the street? Only in Iceland! 🤿🚶‍♂️🇮🇸🚧 #DiveTime#FlippersUp#DiversCrossing#ScubaLife#photography

A blue and yellow pedestrian crossing sign features a twist: instead of a typical walking figure, a scuba diver is depicted crossing the road, complete with tank and flippers. The playful sign is set against a natural background, with blurred foliage and cloudy skies adding atmosphere.

The beauty of Ireland's countryside. Have you ever hiked up the Great Sugar Loaf? 🌄🌿🥾🏞️🇮🇪 #Photography#GreatSugarLoaf#IrishLandscapes#Explore#Outdoor

A scenic landscape featuring the Great Sugar Loaf mountain in Ireland. A dirt path winds through the lush green grass, leading toward the rocky peak in the distance. Puffy white clouds fill the sky, creating a striking contrast with the bright blue background. In the middle of the path, a few people can be seen walking, adding a sense of scale to the vast, open landscape.

Alveg nógu kúl samt. Ég var mögulega eitthvað aðeins á undan þér, en þegar upp er staðið skiptir litlu í hvaða röð við komum hngaðþ



Baby, I see this world has made you sad Some people can be bad The things they do, the things they say But baby, I'll wipe away those bitter tears I'll chase away those restless fears That turn your blue skies into gray


Bob’s exit strategy really opened doors for him.Bob’s exit strategy really opened doors for him.

The cartoon shows a man standing in a room full of various doors, many with signs such as "EXIT ONLY," "OUT," and "FIRE EXIT." He appears to be inspecting or collecting these doors. The caption reads, "Bob loved the outdoors. Wound up with quite a collection," playing on the double meaning of "outdoors" and his literal collection of "out" doors.

Vandamálið er mögulega að ég hef mjög fáar myndir á ákveðnu platformi sem býður uppá Licensing og þar með sölu á myndum. Það er ekki aðal málið. Það er bara ég að vera ekki nógu duglegur þar. Ég hef selt 1 (Eina) mynd þar. En 42 cent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Vandamálið er mögulega að ég hef mjög fáar myndir á ákveðnu platformi sem býður uppá Licensing og þar með sölu á myndum. Það er ekki aðal málið. Það er bara ég að vera ekki nógu duglegur þar. Ég hef selt 1 (Eina) mynd þar. En 42 cent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Screenshot displaying a detailed earnings report from the sale of photographs on a single platform from 2015 to the present. The image shows total earnings specifically for one featured photograph, which also represents the overall total earnings on the platform

A glimpse of the past, hidden in plain sight. In a world that’s constantly changing, buildings like this serve as quiet anchors to the past, inviting us to pause and reflect on the stories they hold. 🏚️✨🕰️📸 #RusticCharm#UrbanDecay#VintageVibes#UrbanExploration

An old, weathered building with a faded red facade features the name "John O'Hara" in white letters above the door. The windows are covered with lace curtains, and the exterior shows signs of age, with peeling paint and worn walls. The building has a quaint, rustic feel, evoking a sense of history and nostalgia.
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🇮🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇦 ᓚᘏᗢ 📷 🌋
300 followers461 following775 posts