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The Snarky Cats of Ulthar
Bloggers + authors of ongoing digital comic book series An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying. Horror | Weird Fiction | Fantasy 🚫AI ●
99 followers110 following863 posts

Everything about Jang was ridiculous + made no sense; Ho-jae should’ve been a descendant. The ending ups the stakes for a 3rd season, but this one already made it clear what the priorities are, and we won't be coming back. We will be writing a review, though. (3/3)


Suddenly, it turns out he's trying to find a Najin to heal a paralyzed woman and then he just leaves after Jang disappeared with Chae-ok? That was some confusing motivation. The Chairman was useless, and Yuh + Noh were pointless. We didn't like Chae-ok becoming a damsel in distress in Ep 7. (2/3)


(3/3) After watching Ep 1, we were ready to binge this on Saturday, but then we watched the next 3 episodes and felt like just stopping. We didn't because the series is pretty short + we already reviewed Season 1. A review, BTW, that you can read here:


The series should’ve shown more of the past relationship between Jang and Seung-jo, because he's risking a lot to help them. Though it makes no sense that he'd be allowed to influence other Najin-havers. And we're never going to learn what happened with Lady Maeda and Chae-ok's mother, are we?🙁 2/3


Shouldn't Seung-jo be more important + have his own story instead of being stuck trying to jog Jang's memory? The show took misdirection too far with the old woman + Chairman meeting. Great entrance for Lady Maeda, who sadly will likely be the reason Jang is still around. (3/3)


We just can’t wait to find out what excuse the show found to have him be given a Najin, allowed to interact with Myeong-ja's son, who would've been Kato's star subject, and not being killed after causing trouble. We're sure it'll all make sense and not be at all contrived.🙄 (2/3)

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The Snarky Cats of Ulthar
Bloggers + authors of ongoing digital comic book series An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying. Horror | Weird Fiction | Fantasy 🚫AI ●
99 followers110 following863 posts