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A.G. Pasquella
Writer, teacher, editor. Words in McSweeney’s, Utne Reader, Joyland, Broken Pencil & more. Author of the Jack Palace crime series. Newest book: WELCOME TO THE WEIRD AMERICA. Next up: DEVOURING TOMORROW
577 followers706 following3.8k posts

A friend of mine emailed this to me this morning with the subject line "Willie"... and then the body of the email just said, "I'm sure you've seen this already, but..." and then an Instagram link. My stomach sank. I thought he had died! But no-- WILLIE LIVES!

Willie Nelson - Do You Realize??
Willie Nelson - Do You Realize??

YouTube video by WillieNelsonVEVO


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A.G. Pasquella
Writer, teacher, editor. Words in McSweeney’s, Utne Reader, Joyland, Broken Pencil & more. Author of the Jack Palace crime series. Newest book: WELCOME TO THE WEIRD AMERICA. Next up: DEVOURING TOMORROW
577 followers706 following3.8k posts