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Gender fluid fighty bitch who's trying to be a little more chill. Currently in a femme phase 🥥💊 UX designer, writer, shitposter, FE dev, FOSS curious #WiT 🧙‍♀️ Read my WIP for free
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my dad was talking about lasers and said ruby rod very seriously and I just interrupted his train of thought so rudely by pulling up a picture of Chris Tucker... and now here this is in bsky. coincidence? I think not.


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Gender fluid fighty bitch who's trying to be a little more chill. Currently in a femme phase 🥥💊 UX designer, writer, shitposter, FE dev, FOSS curious #WiT 🧙‍♀️ Read my WIP for free
308 followers1.1k following2k posts