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Alana Vincent
Historian of Religion. Migrant (currently based in Sweden). Bad at gender, worse at writing bios, absolutely incapable of refraining from profanity. I do stuff involving religion and literature and genocide, usually all at once.
995 followers1.1k following1.2k posts

The interview is, by the way, promoting her latest book, on writing, which is published with Worthy Books, the Christian/inspirational publishing arm of Hachette. I know not all Christians are transphobes, but in general, in US evangelicalism, the burden of proof rests on the ones who *aren't*.


And, again, Yu was/is a very promising NEW author--she won the Campbell in 2012. I'm not sure exactly when this book was contracted (commercial publishers work to very different timelines than academic presses) but I'd guess 2022 at the earliest?

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Alana Vincent
Historian of Religion. Migrant (currently based in Sweden). Bad at gender, worse at writing bios, absolutely incapable of refraining from profanity. I do stuff involving religion and literature and genocide, usually all at once.
995 followers1.1k following1.2k posts