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Alli DeJong (Spooky)
planning | policy | risk | hazards | vulnerabilities | climate adaptation | GHG mitigation | etc at the Water Institute (but this is a personal account) also sports, birds, हिंदी, cities, etc chicago via new orleans via chicago
1k followers296 following3.6k posts

Every time there’s a big disaster I see something happen which is that people start to get frustrated based on what they think our disaster response system should look like, and not how it’s designed to operate. So the expectations are way too high and then the need is unimaginably high also.


And the only (or at least most important)expectations that need to be addressed are those of the people in need of disaster relief. As opposed to those ginned up by political interests and amplified by online inland lardasses


Riding out a disaster is SO lonely and exhausting and the last thing you want is to fend for yourself. But FEMA is literally designed to support state emergency response only if requested. Long term, most $ that people notice usually comes through HUD!

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Alli DeJong (Spooky)
planning | policy | risk | hazards | vulnerabilities | climate adaptation | GHG mitigation | etc at the Water Institute (but this is a personal account) also sports, birds, हिंदी, cities, etc chicago via new orleans via chicago
1k followers296 following3.6k posts