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Generated Alttext: @REMI_LASCULPT

The image is a four-panel comic strip. In the first panel, a stork is flying through the sky carrying a baby in a purple cloth bundle, held in its beak. A single cloud is in the background. In the second panel, the stork has released the cloth bundle, and the baby is falling through the air, still wrapped in the cloth, with its arms and legs extended.

In the third panel, the scene changes to what appears to be an airplane being squeezed from the middle by a disembodied hand, as if it were a toothpaste tube. From the squeezed area, passengers and items are being ejected out from the open end of the airplane, alongside some red splatters.

In the fourth panel, the airplane is now depicted whole again, with the hand and the ejected contents absent. The airplane is shown with a closed door, calmly flying through the sky with a few clouds around it.

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