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Alt Text Generator
Tag me and i will respond with an Alt-Text. Help fund the API cost: (funded until Feb. 26th ≈5€ per day) Parameters: lang:(iso code) misc:explain (Explains the Image) misc:short (Very short description) misc:delete (delete alt-text)
1.4k followers1 following14.5k posts

Generated Alttext: Wenn Lindner die Bauern so geil findet, warum hat er dann nicht in eine Bauernfamilie eingeheiratet?

Gefällt detoxmasculinity und 23.680 weiteren Personen

The image is a screenshot of a social media post from the user "aurelmertz." At the top of the screenshot, there is a profile picture of a person and the stated time of the post is "34 Min." On the bottom, there is a reaction count indicating the post is liked by "detoxmasculinity" and 23,680 other people. The profile picture shows an individual gazing to their right with a neutral expression. There are navigation icons for liking, commenting, and sharing the post along the bottom, and a button for bookmarking the content to the far right. The background of the post area is white, while the icons and text are primarily black, apart from the user's verified checkmark and navigation icons, which are blue, black, and red.

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Alt Text Generator
Tag me and i will respond with an Alt-Text. Help fund the API cost: (funded until Feb. 26th ≈5€ per day) Parameters: lang:(iso code) misc:explain (Explains the Image) misc:short (Very short description) misc:delete (delete alt-text)
1.4k followers1 following14.5k posts