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Very Ambivalent Very Ricky
Puzzles, essays, music, politics I guess. Future former lawyer. Disdained as an "egghead" by Matt Taibbi. Banned from Great Clips 7/20/24. He / him.
239 followers267 following4.1k posts

I was in the 2003 NYC blackout and - especially notable given expectations informed by the 1977 blackout's legendary looting - exactly the opposite happened. Hundreds of people walking in harmony down Brooklyn streets illuminated only with the occasional flashlight.

Reposted by Very Ambivalent Very Ricky

Kevin Coulter: There are going to be thousands of students in western North Carolina that need new schools. Will our state funded private school step up? No. However, our public schools will step up just like they did with Hurricane Katrina. Public dollars for public schools. #nced#ncpol


Thanks for this! I didn't know anything about it.


I once heard the remark from a Catholic, regarding Southern Baptists' abhorrence of drinking and gambling, that a casino night with a cash bar would be an uncontroversial parish fundraiser. Though not raised Baptist, the notion of a world where this does not even mildly anger God shook me to my core


I can't even imagine this. But confirming it for myself would require actually logging into Facebook, which I haven't done in years and have no plans to resume.


It looks like (here at least) running political ads now requires a complex verification process. Your problem would make sense if the algorithm couldn't distinguish between your content and a poltical ad and requires your account to have gone through that verification process.


Sorry, I made the American mistake of assuming you were in the US or Canada. Maybe this is a New Zealand thing? (We also have community-operated nonprofit radio stations here.)


Right, but don't people, including political candidates, post political events on Facebook all the time? Facebook's policies can be very confusing, so I'm sure there's a reason - I just can't figure it out myself. Because you're a nonprofit? That doesn't seem like FB's concern.


For US context: it looks like our rates have been higher, occasionally much higher, this entire time, with a peak of around 1% in 1918 during the influenza pandemic.

Maternal Mortality in the United States: A Primer
Maternal Mortality in the United States: A Primer

A decades-long focus on improving hospital maternity care may have diminished the importance of community-based care and overlooked racial/ethnic disparities.

Reposted by Very Ambivalent Very Ricky

Just heard from crews OTG in NC that the current biggest needs are: Generators Diesel fuel Phone charger batteries Non-perishable food If you think these are things you or your crew could provide, ask a punk/anarchist/mutual aid queer in ur nabe and they'll probably know someone organizing a run

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Very Ambivalent Very Ricky
Puzzles, essays, music, politics I guess. Future former lawyer. Disdained as an "egghead" by Matt Taibbi. Banned from Great Clips 7/20/24. He / him.
239 followers267 following4.1k posts