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@Amused_moosey on X. 🔶Full time carer. Ex-RAF. Supports #RNLI. Loves Marmite, Hates Brexit. Bunny-hugger. Cyclist. #FBPE #MVM #GTTO #CPFC #Rejoin #FBPA #FBPPR #FBNHS #FBR #BLM #FBLD Surrey Heath
691 followers762 following48 posts
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You don't need to live by the sea to support the RNLI 1824 to 2024 - 200 years of lifesaving

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The deployment of disinfo campaigns, designed to amplify polarization and erode democracy, has been a persistent feature of Moscow’s strategy. This report analyses how it paved the way for the invasion of Ukraine. It is important to see through this strategy so that we can counter its influence.

Revealing Russian influence in Europe: Insights from Germany, France, Italy and Ukraine
Revealing Russian influence in Europe: Insights from Germany, France, Italy and Ukraine

This publication was prepared by the Institute of Innovative Governance with the support from the Black Sea Trust Fund of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The material reflects the...

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Join our tweet storm about Russia if you have an account on X. #FBPE#OndaCivica#FBR#Navalny#PutinIsACriminal Time: 20-22 CET 19-21 GMT 11-13 PST

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The UK government's criminalisation of rough sleeping, now passing through Parliament in the Criminal Justice Bill, is overseen by a Prime Minister who owns four luxury homes for his own use. One of them, in Kensington, is reserved for accommodating family guests.🧵

Reposted by May contain nuts

Destroying lives with their bigotry, hatred, and greed: The corrupt Tories and self-serving elitists who pushed the socio-economic disaster that is Brexit on the UK are the true parasites and scum of British society.

Italian citizen’s bank accounts frozen owing to ‘shameful’ post-Brexit rules
Italian citizen’s bank accounts frozen owing to ‘shameful’ post-Brexit rules

Massimo and his British wife Dee say settlement scheme designed to frighten immigrants into leaving UK

Reposted by May contain nuts

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May contain nuts
@Amused_moosey on X. 🔶Full time carer. Ex-RAF. Supports #RNLI. Loves Marmite, Hates Brexit. Bunny-hugger. Cyclist. #FBPE #MVM #GTTO #CPFC #Rejoin #FBPA #FBPPR #FBNHS #FBR #BLM #FBLD Surrey Heath
691 followers762 following48 posts