Anaben Skywalker
I’m the guy in high school who wore a blue jacket every day and secretly hated everyone. I also write and play video games too I guess
3 followers38 following31 posts

I swear every time Robin Williams opens his mouth in Good Will Hunting I start to tear up. Both cause of what he says in the movie and cause he’s not here to be one of the greatest actors and comedians of our time


I remember when season 22 of HK was airing, I’d constantly be rewatching the episodes cause the season was so good. Season 23 chefs so ass that I have no motivation to rewatch the episodes. At least the drama is back? Idk, I liked it when the chefs were genuinely talented like in 22, 21, 19, and 14


Been rereading Berserk recently since the new chapters are coming out (or have they come out yet?). Still a masterpiece. The panel of Griffith at the Hill of Swords is genuinely one of my favorite pieces of art I’ve ever seen


True freedom is blasting heavy metal in your car on your way to work and then remembering that the autism is too much to handle so you have to turn it down to a whisper but you still headbang the whole way


Don’t know if anyone will see this but anyone got good game or movie recs right now? I’m still going through Metaphor and Void Stranger EX Mode but I’ve struggled to find any newer movies or games that have caught my eye


Was in a terrible car accident the other day. The hematoma may limit my core strength and my ability to exercise for a bit, but the chemical burn on my left hand will not stop my ability to hold a controller


Every time I hear someone say “Yes, indeed”, I always have to hold back the urge to say “It is called Lothric”


I like the Wilds that are Outer. Also the third Persona. Also the Tale that is Under. And Time that’s In Stars. Also being born of the Blood. See what I did there? I’m a doofus I know


Looked down and saw that I have 300 characters now. Much better than what I had before. More room to rant

Anaben Skywalker
I’m the guy in high school who wore a blue jacket every day and secretly hated everyone. I also write and play video games too I guess
3 followers38 following31 posts