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🇨🇦 AniluFella Анілу  💙💛
#Fella, NAFO/OFAN. #ExpansionisNon-negotiable. Tech lover, loves photography, nature and animals (especially dogs). Support 2SLGBTQIA+ people and Ukraine. @Ani1u71 on that hellscape. Sorry couldn’t match the names but if you know me then a follow is great
414 followers496 following371 posts

I hope so. My 25-y-o loves to be in their own and if I’m not around that’s perfectly fine. When do they want you around again? 😢


Such a good boi!

Reposted by 🇨🇦 AniluFella Анілу  💙💛

I remembered this coming up during obama's campaign & talk of "generation jones" but couldn't actually recall the "jones" part & had to find my way there on wiki. did not expect to find her picture there as an example!

screenshot of excerpt from Wikipedia article on "Generation Jones", reading: 
"Generation Jones
Social cohort spanning the late Baby Boomer Generation and the early Generation X

Generation Jones is the social cohort worldwide and micro generation cusper segment of the latter half of the baby boomer generation to the first year of Generation X. The term Generation Jones was first coined in 1999 by the American cultural commentator Jonathan Pontell, who identified the cohort as those born from 1954 to 1965 in the U.S., who were children during Watergate, the oil crisis, and stagflation rather than during the 1950s, but slightly before Gen X.

Members of Generation Jones
[picture of the artist Prince]
Prince, born 1958
[picture of Kamala Harris]
Kamala Harris, born 1964"

I think it’s lifestyle. If you hang out with your friends more than your parents as a kid that’s more a GenX thing for example. If you feel like GenX then you are. I’m 1963 and not a boomer but realize I’m not like young GenXers. That cusp Generation Jones may fit. Just never heard of it before


Welcome to Bluesky, ARMY! I’ve seen the boys three times in concert (once sleeping overnight in my car while my daughter slept overnight in line for sound check). Good times

BTS on stage performing. The band members are all dressed in white with lights shining in them while the crowd is lit in red

I’d rather have a physical birthday card with a handwritten message over digital any day. That’s from a true friend

Reposted by 🇨🇦 AniluFella Анілу  💙💛

if you are on the hellsite, you can send screenshot of donation to 's account there directly, if you are not, tag me in, and I will make sure he puts you on the list..LOOK AT THESE PRIZES!!!👇👀🎟️

Reposted by 🇨🇦 AniluFella Анілу  💙💛 is here as well, (I just looked her up 🤣🤣) so you can send her screenshot of donation directly..🇺🇦🇺🇦


America is doomed if he gets elected to anything again. Yes. All the jurors should have FBI protection.


This should have been “allowed” a long time ago. Making Ukraine play with one hand tied behind its back is no help

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🇨🇦 AniluFella Анілу  💙💛
#Fella, NAFO/OFAN. #ExpansionisNon-negotiable. Tech lover, loves photography, nature and animals (especially dogs). Support 2SLGBTQIA+ people and Ukraine. @Ani1u71 on that hellscape. Sorry couldn’t match the names but if you know me then a follow is great
414 followers496 following371 posts