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I know nothing of Snow and climate change. But its complexity is fascinating. And how should our societies live within biophysical planetary boundaries? *322ppm
243 followers836 following1.6k posts

Zu Beginn wird auch erläutert, warum sie den leeren Rechner verwenden. Sehr befriedigende Abrechnung mit IAM👊 Danach gehts weiter mit Maßnahmen für GNorth u GSouth und ihrer CO2wirkung. Sie haben ua. drauf geachtet, dass es diese Maßnahmen bereits irgendwo in freier Wildbahn gibt. Also kein Utopia.

A Societal Transformation Scenario for Staying Below 1.5°C | Heinrich Böll Stiftung
A Societal Transformation Scenario for Staying Below 1.5°C | Heinrich Böll Stiftung

The „Societal Transfomation Scenario“ is a global 1.5°C mitigation scenario, which challenges  the notion of perpetual global economic growth and its compatibility with ambitious climate goals like th...


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I know nothing of Snow and climate change. But its complexity is fascinating. And how should our societies live within biophysical planetary boundaries? *322ppm
243 followers836 following1.6k posts