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Alfred Pasternack
Rare books, manuscripts, that sort of thing. Bookseller @quaritch, bookbinder. Oooh, serifs.
70 followers76 following8 posts
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Advertisement for a new and anonymously-published novel called 'Pride and Prejudice' 🎩 🏛️ Competing titles include an edition of Aesop's fables & a handbook for dissecting human bodies 🖋️🐇🫀 (Morning Post, 28 Jan 1813)

Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

The early bird catches the worm. An 8 AM #shelfie at Museum Plantin-Moretus ✨

A shelf with a line of early modern books in parchment covers in a dimmed light
The entry hall of the museum with two large windows and a beam of light coming in and shining on the painting next to the staircase
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Satirical medal on the birth of the Prince of Wales (1688). Obverse: Aglauros discovering dragon-tailed Erichthonius in a basket on a mound with roses and thistles, while two women run away in fright.

Latin legend: 'And they see the child and dragon stretched out'.
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Top student complaint: ‘wheras the statute permittethe not small birdes to be kept in the Colledge for troubling the studentes, the Master hathe vsed continuall & excessive loud singing, & noyse of Organs to the great disturbaunce of our studdyes’ (BL, Lansdowne MS 33; re: Gonville & Caius, 1582)

Met. Mus. 52.121.1; linked from
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Our catalogue for #InternationalTranslationDay


Italian rocket: has flowers "of a naughty savor" and seeds "in taste like Rocket seed"

Gerarde's Herball, 1633, p. 277, with two botanical woodcuts and text reading "Of Italian Rocket ...  Italian Rocket hath long leaves cut into many parts or divisions like those of the Ash tree, resembling Ruellius his Bucks-horne: among which rise up stalks weake and tender, but thicke and grosse, two foot high, garnished with many small yellowish floures like the middle part of Tansie floures, of a naughty savor or smell.  The feed is small like sand or dust, in taste like Rocket seed, whereof in truth wee suspect it to be a kinde.  The root is long and wooddy."
Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Tycho Brahe had arranged for his nephew, Albret, to study in Padua in 1590, and Albret's brother Jørgen (or Georg), who owned this copy of Parabosco's Lettere amorose (perhaps a souvenir of his studies abroad?), followed in his footsteps shortly thereafter.

Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

Meet the 'Dog-Birds' of The Travels and Adventures of William Bingfield, Esq. (1753), the strangest apex predators we've ever seen ... capable of taking down tigers and stags alike, they have the tail of a pig, sharp teeth, shaggy hair, and a bird's talons.

Reposted by Alfred Pasternack

17th-century swivel locket ring commemorating the marriage of King Charles I & Henrietta Maria of France in 1625, part of Jonest Collection of Rings & to be on display in October ... 💍

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Alfred Pasternack
Rare books, manuscripts, that sort of thing. Bookseller @quaritch, bookbinder. Oooh, serifs.
70 followers76 following8 posts