Solemn & Formal Declarations, The
I try to learn all the time, make stuff sometimes, and dream about our universe the rest of the time. Proud Neptune-stan. Ask me about Neptune. (she/her)
104 followers63 following122 posts

I think a better term for it would be, applied compute. We're applied compute too. Just a lot more complicated & intricate. People are overlooking a profound lesson from the rise of these large models; sufficiently large systems lead to increasingly unexpected emergent properties/behaviors.


If you put enough compute in there, and make the system intricate/large enough, unexpected things come out the other end. It tells us a lot about us & the emergence of intelligence. A magical step didn't have to occur for sentience to arise; anything sufficiently complicated would have sufficed.

Solemn & Formal Declarations, The
I try to learn all the time, make stuff sometimes, and dream about our universe the rest of the time. Proud Neptune-stan. Ask me about Neptune. (she/her)
104 followers63 following122 posts