I don't even know. I'm argentcorvid most other places (not Instagram though, that person is not me) I hang around on metafilter and reddit I don't post much American living in Rural Central Iowa. He/Him, 2 kids, no longer catless.
17 followers239 following139 posts

Like, if you don't care about stuff like maximizing yield, you just stick a clove in some dirt in the late fall or early spring and let it go. You should probably get some seed cloves from people growing in your area as the different varieties are climate sensitive though.


I don't even know. I'm argentcorvid most other places (not Instagram though, that person is not me) I hang around on metafilter and reddit I don't post much American living in Rural Central Iowa. He/Him, 2 kids, no longer catless.
17 followers239 following139 posts