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Proud national of 中華民國台灣 The Republic of China (Taiwan) 🇹🇼 a high-tech Democratic country of 23.30 million in East Asia. I love food, travel, nature, movies & video games. Politically involved. #NotMeUs
303 followers19 following2.2k posts

It's so inherently racist to spread the conspiracy theory that Immigrants eat people's pets. If anything, it is more likely for trailer trash Trump voters to eat other people's pets. Yet you don't hear anyone outside the MAGA cult spread nonsense like that.


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Proud national of 中華民國台灣 The Republic of China (Taiwan) 🇹🇼 a high-tech Democratic country of 23.30 million in East Asia. I love food, travel, nature, movies & video games. Politically involved. #NotMeUs
303 followers19 following2.2k posts