Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings
Monthly Queer and Anarchist Zine. Share and share alike. All submissions anonymous.
149 followers0 following107 posts



sorry too tired to do alt text. will reup with alt text when more energy

Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

Why are we Angry? Why “Tranny”? ACAB AND AKAB

             Why are we Angry?
[black graphic of flames]
We have a million reasons. We could never list them all. But anger is the only rational response to the ruin and death of friends and loved ones, and the government and media shrugging, wiping their hands of blame, and continuing on regardless.
Need we say more?
               Why "Tranny"?
[symbol combining male and female symbols]
This question can be interpreted one of two ways: "Why are you trans?" (Boring, pedestrian, pointless, cursed by a witch for stealing rhubarb I guess) or "Why do you use the word
tranny?" (provocative, bold, uncomfortable, makes you check over your shoulder while reading this)

[alt text will continue]

So to the second one: You can say "trans person". Anyone can say "trans person". Nice enough phrase, gets the point across. But a lot of the time, what a lot of people are saying is "tranny", and even if you're a delightful cis person who would never wish harm on anyone, you need a reminder that there are plenty of your peers who are much less polite, and just pretend to be.
The writer of this section is a tranny because announcing it that way primes you, dear reader, for a conversation where I am angry and threatened and not a mere hypothetical,
euphemistic, regular "trans person" but a mad
bitch in a fucking war.
[black and white graphic of campfire]
    Why are we against Cops and Kings?
Because it's a silly backronym, okay? Cops and Kings stands in for "authority" but here is an inexhaustive list of grievances against both fig- urative and literal cops and kings.
[graphic of guillotine]
 Literal Cops
¡ The police state is a
primary tool of oppression used to assault our community.
¡ All laws are imposed through violence and the threat of violence.
¡ The police defend our enemies and punish our protectors.
· There is no ‘innocent’ means by which to engage with the police. All police uphold a system of injustice, even ‘the good ones’.
¡ Borders and their enforcement keep our kin across the world in states which are even more dangerous to them than the ones most of us writing this experience.
¡ Anti-cop, anti-state action is therefore self defense. There can be no space which is safe for the police which is also safe for us.

Figurative Cops
¡ The most dangerous cop is the one in your head; the one which stops you from being free through fear of the consequences.
· The arbiter of a person’s self-identity is that individual themself; no label cops.
¡ Respectability politics is the means by which the community determines which members are acceptable to sacrifice for cishet comfort. We say that there is no acceptable sacrifice.
¡ Except cops. Live as a cop, die by the cops.
  Literal Kings
· Are you fucking kidding me? It’s 2023. This shit is embarrassing.
Figurative Kings
· Even outside literal monarchies there are plenty of ‘kings’. From the obvious billionaires and presidents to local ‘kings’. Landlords, managers, doctors etc.
¡ Kings are those imbued with authority because of who they are rather than what they do.
¡ All authority must always be challenged. Even deserved power legitimately gained corrupts, and most power in the world is not granted legitimately.
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

You Keep It In

You Keep It In

you stoke the forge and build your first tools
you use it, she tells you. that heat.
you use your first tools to build better tools
of your own design;

you find a name for the thing that you are for the things that you do
for the feeling when the jackals close in

You keep it in.

let it lick out a safe amount in times of trouble
a scorching tongue of insult and derision
a release valve
Can't talk to you when you're like this
no That's the point, you walking corpse

you keep it in and sit under the trees in calm moments think

I could detonate
turn my world to ash
and they wouldn't care.

You keep that in, too.

but it stokes the fires. past white hot
from anger to fury to rage

[graphic of figure with arms out, a fire in each hand]
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings



she’s telling me she dreams of one day getting a hug without obligation
she’s crying and thanking me when I say I would do so more than happily
she is not the only one who cries
from receiving expressions of simple affection.

she’s thanking me for actually asking how she feels
she’s crying when I have actually listened to the answer
experiencing this is an aberration for her
knowing what she’s feeling right now even a little bit.

asking her what she would like and she’s scared
knowing why she’s afraid to express her wants
comprehending she hasn’t let herself imagine wanting anything
knowing that she has understandable reason to lock wants away.

knowing what it means for a person to be so starved for affection
understanding basic decency is an aberration for her
seeing she has been so hurt and abused
being with her when the little things are
overwhelmingly too much.
not having a chance to treat her
like the incredible vibrant
beautiful woman she is before
the simplicity of “I thought of you” overwhelms and tears overtake us
crying together through the pain of
the joy of the simple human experiences
before we even get beyond the little kindnesses.

the bar is in fucking hell and I know my pain doesn’t come close to matching hers.

is far too much.

now I’m Angry.
but definitely not at her.

[sketch in red of heart cracked down the middle]
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

Revisiting the Scene

Revisiting the Scene

Last week I wrote a tale
(Tongue firmly in my cheek)
Of a voyeuristic male
And a weirdo tranny freak.

But once is just a novelty. Once won't spoil the mood
But a secong gawking cameraman Is really fucking rude.

What went through your mind
As you raised that stupid lens?
"Never seen a tranny before! I gotta show my friends!"?

I shoulda smashed that fucking phone
Smashed that other fucker's too Cause now I'm just too fucking mad To even fucking rhyme.
Fuck you.

[middle finger graphic]
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

I’m. Your. Problem.

I’m. Your. Problem.

Over forty thousand people, so many of them children, have been murdered by Israel. We don’t know for sure how many because they killed the people who kept count.

But breaking windows to protest this is a problem.

The world is burning. Every year is hotter than the last. Temperatures are becoming unliveable in places where thousands, soon to be millions, live.

But blocking roads to protest this is a problem.

The police mobilise against refugees. They drag our friends into vans and try to fly them halfway around the world.

But confronting them to protest this is a problem.

You commit murder and call it a right to self-defence.

You burn the world and call it progress.

You abduct our neighbours and call it safety.

And you call me a huge problem to a sane world?

Where is this sane world? Would be nice to visit.

But you’re right about one thing. I’m your problem.

[line of doodle scribbles]

 So just fucking try to solve me.
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

A Scene From an Average Street

A Scene From an Average Street

A man in a white van sits in traffic waiting for the lights to change, playing his music loud enough for everyone to hear. Searching for distraction, he spots it across the street at the bus stop: A tranny!

Three-day stubble and a pretty dress! He must catalogue this moment. He tries to surreptitiously take a photo on his phone but the tranny notices. Oh no!

"You're confused, lad! Are you a man or a woman?!" The tranny does not respond. Just stares
indignantly. But the lights have changed, so he has to leave without answers.

But it is of course the *tranny* who is confused, he reminds himself, trying to keep his eyes on the road.

[sketch of a broken down van]
Reposted by Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings

Kill a Man

Kill a Man

[vertical graphic of a burning cigarette]

do I swear too much she’ll ask
cigarette in hand while urban fuzz
circles around yous like a bridal dance
remember to wear white and lose
break your virginity to the night
writhing in His piss-stained vomit-soaked bedsheets
streets wah in the dark
a quiet reminder that if you want
for a small fee
you can get your stomach pumped by an amateur
some unpaid overworked student doctor who’ll
shit and fuck all over your broken body
witness His wounds
cover your eyes with rose incense
cut your teeth on whoever you want
disavow them both later or don’t
who gives a shit.
nobody’s listening anyways
certainly not to you –
not anymore
I don’t think so you’ll say
but you were always going to lie to her
take it out from her lips
suck it inhale
anything to feel the heat of a mouth inside yours
breathe in her smoke
let her fill you up like a hand puppet
besides –
your body is hers now
it always has been
later you’ll find yourself
standing in front of a mirror trying on dresses
ashamed of the Pride that you feel
sick to your teeth
on how good you look
cause god-fucking-damn…
you’ll fall in love with your neck after you’ve shaved
bathe in that feeling

[graphic of three lipstick prints in black and white]

[graphic of a headstone with the symbol for male]

nobody can be truly self-made
but fucking hell –
you’d certainly kill a man trying
Angry T------- Against Cops And Kings
Monthly Queer and Anarchist Zine. Share and share alike. All submissions anonymous.
149 followers0 following107 posts