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Austin Huang ❤️
Recent CS grad + #FOSS contributor + #mastoadmin, from #Shanghai to #Montreal. I quibble on #SliceOfLife, #tech, and #policies. Account speaks English and 简体中文 […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
2 followers0 following69 posts

Imagine that you have a software engineering course where it's all about agile, scrum, etc. and then you get on a subway car where half of the ads are for one of those corporate planning tools (, to be exact)... (I do have to say, though, that there is quite some variety for ads in […]


Don't you feel like in a cup of #BobaTea#boba than what you can handle before finishing the liquid, since it often requires explicit effort to suck up the boba? It seems wasteful and also makes paying extra for boba a bit of a scam... Do people just enjoy having edible […]


I think that a side effect of such #AI-based #polling#politicians#communication strategies […]


Is there a tendency for the math #buildings#universities to be ugly, suffixed with Hall, or both? For the ugly ones: Burnside Hall at McGill, Warren Weaver Hall at NYU, Fine Hall at […]


Now, people say fare-free transit in Tallinn, Estonia didn't work:, in which case I'd argue that the success of a transit tax does depend on how the revenue is actually used […]


Pre-tax transit benefit effectively serves as an income tax, since it reduces your taxable income, and while it is mandatory, the amount depends on the fare and is not flexible. On the other hand is Fair Fares NYC, but in the comments of […]


I think there is still the wrongful perception that taking #PublicTransport#NewYorkCity so far tells me that if one cares about time, then given the amount of street traffic here (even if congestion […]


Regarding the recent incident in #NewYorkCity#FareEvasion#NYC#PublicTransport, replacing […]

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Austin Huang ❤️
Recent CS grad + #FOSS contributor + #mastoadmin, from #Shanghai to #Montreal. I quibble on #SliceOfLife, #tech, and #policies. Account speaks English and 简体中文 […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
2 followers0 following69 posts