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16) Princess Bubblegum Bug World Au’s Princess Bubblegum! Her Candy Kingdom is very much more guarded than usual thanks to having to deal with Beasts and some unruly insects that want to eat her citizens. #adventuretime#bugworldau#princessbubblegum#adventuretimeoc#myart#insectcharacter

Her Kingdom is however, on very good terms with bees and wasps. Multiple Bee Queens even took up residence in her Kingdom. PB’s the main source of tracking Beast movements throughout the lands too.

Gemma frequently works with her in studying Beasts, and Marcy helps with tracking some really menacing ones.

Also, its not just Honey Bees that live in the Kingdom (though they are the majority), lots of “solitary” bees also joined in. The two bees here are a Violet Carpenter Bee and a Red Digger Bee (Both called Violet and Red by PB).

The Banana Guard are also mostly all gals. And Abegail is also originally from one of the Hives in Candy Kingdom! She just likes traveling around a lot to spread knowledge on to medically treat humans and mutants.

15) Bug World Trivia (Grubs!) More Bug World trivia! This time with Liam’s dealings with babysitting in the Hives they’ve lived at/visited! #adventuretimeoc#scarab#bugworldau#myart#originalcharacters#insectcharacter

Liam’s Adventures of Babysitting In Bug World

Prior to becoming a Courier, Liam used to be one of the designated “babysitters” or essentially larvae tenders of their old Hive.

They worked in this “job” for a good ten years before getting assigned to a “Scout” for five years. And then finally assigned to Courier when they turned thirty five.

[Ladybug larvae are very likely to cannibalize when there isn’t that much food readily available. Liam had to deal with preventing a few clutches from eating each other during a dry spell that damaged their Hive’s food storage.]

“Guys, guys! Stop trying to eat each other! I’ll get you some aphids to much on!”

“Jake! Jaaaake! Get the aphid leftovers from my pack!” ‘Quick!’

“I’m getting em!”
[Every Hive city has designated areas for various offspring. When Finn was introduced to the areas by Liam, the sight of some of the other “Kids” really startled him.]

“Hey now, don’t worry. They’re just friendly, curious, babies- just like you!”




“Hey Scarab! Could you do me a favor real quick?”

“Yes. What do you need?”

“Can you hold this lil guy for a bit? Me and Jake need to help prepare his section of the grub room.”



'Ahhmm!’ “Right! Sure. I’ll hold him.”


[Even as a Courier, Liam and their brothers still occasionally take some “jobs” for caring for grubs at any Hive or town they visit. If they have the time for it.]

[Scarab gets flustered when he sees them holding a grub for the first time.]
“Here you go, enjoy Kiddo!”

“Don’t worry, you two are next!”

[More often than not, Liam was sent to help feed the Warrior Wasp larvae. They’re all born from Vera’s royal sister, Gladius, who settled down in the Hive after requested by their original Queen to help guard it. In a round about way, they’re all Liam, Jake, and Finn’s cousins.]

[Somewhat related, the claw gloves they occasionally wear, originated from their deceased friend/cousin, Vale. The dark blue pieces of Liam’s armor is what members of B.A.R.C were able to recover from what little remained of her. Vale had requested that her exoskeleton be given to Liam to help protect them, should she ever die before them. The same with Liam’s other good friend, also deceased from the same attack, the Comet Darner, Chiron.]

[They both died from distracting the same Beast that devoured Liam’s human home. Vale was the first to go after charging it head on to give them time to run away. Chiron soon after, when luring the Beast away from Liam’s hiding spot.]

[On a lighter note, Liam helped Chiron’s partner, Juni, take care of their nymphs after the whole ordeal. They take some solace that their friend, in a way, lives on through them. They also named the three nymphs, Janus, Helen, and Io. By the time Liam’s Journey starts, they’re all fully, and healthy, grown dragonflies.

“Hello little ones, I’m glad to see you all doing so well.”

[In Bug World, places where aquatic young are taken care of are called kiddie pools.]

14) Pupa Jake (And Bug World Molting Trivia) Thanks to the mutations from both the mutagenic weapons and Myriaxanthus’ primordial magic transforming them, most insects don’t need to worry about desiccation, besides aquatic nymphs and the like of course. #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart

Though, just like brood/grub/egg chambers in the Hive cities, there’s designated areas for molting within the hives to meet the needs of specific insect folk. But despite that, there’s essentially rooms that are very humid to aid in the molting process! Cause while there’s no risk of drying out anymore, molting still possesses the threat of getting stuck on them if their nutritional needs aren’t met- or said bug isn’t in that great of health when a molt arrives.

In Hive cities and decently sized towns, there can be helpers (if needed or requested) to help make sure all limbs and pieces of molt get safely off. And also, most molting bugs eat their molts- or offer to distribute it amongst the hive/place they’re currently living at. Unless they live alone that is.

For those living alone, they either just deal with it normally, and essentially make a sauna for themselves in a enclosed area of their home with a machine (most are made by the Candy Kingdom) or magic device that increases humidity.

In bug world, it is pretty much comforting (and common!) to have those you trust nearby during a molt. Family members do indeed help out during molts, watching over and talking to the one molting, and stepping in when needed to assist! Especially with nymphs, who go through a lot of molts in their life. 

Liam, while traveling with lil grub Jake, helped him out through his molting though instars and final pupation! Some pupa can speak a little bit when going through the pupation or molting process.

As per usual the two are dorks.
As for others...

Centipedes got very large thanks to compatibility with the Primordials’ powers, and tend to be essentially buses/trains for traveling between towns and Hives! Basically Centipede railways, and there's specific centipede stations for safe travel, its somewhat of a bumpy ride though. They’re also good at combating smaller Beasts!  This one of the designated chambers and helpers that assist in removing molts.
Specific pupation molts have very specific requirements sometimes though.  Especially with the various beetles living in Hives, some tend to require massive pupation chambers, like with Goliath Beetles.  Hive cities can be massive because of this, they take nurturing their young very seriously!

On the other hand, for more arboreal insects, they tend to just hang out on their preferred place to molt! Though molting is still nerve wracking for them, and here- Leaf at her Inn tended to psych herself up before each molt she had to do. She didn’t need to worry about it anymore after her final molt much to her relief.

And that's the gist of it with Pupation and Molts in Bug World!

More Scarab doodles, he's still really fun to draw! #adventuretime#myart#scarab#thescarab#scarabthegodauditor#fionnaandcake#fanart


13) Lil Grub Jake Grub Jake was a real handful for Liam to take care of when their moms were out and about. But Liam loves him anyways, despite him getting the both of them in trouble a lot. #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart#insectcharacters


12) The Beasts The lil grub is baby Jake! #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart#originalcharacters

Moving from place to place can be pretty dangerous in the Bug World AU, with how one wrong turn can make you run right into a gigantic creature with one thing on its mind. And that's eating anything smaller than it. This one is blind in one of its four eyes from an encounter with warrior wasps ages ago.

11) A Rainy Day The moment when Chiron and Vale got crushed by the Beast. Liam was just 14 when it happened. #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart#insectcharacter#originalcharacters#scarab

Liam’s torn between wanting to forget about that day, and always wanting to remember it for feeling like it would be disrespectful to their friends for forgetting their sacrifice for them.
On a lighter note, hc Scarab likes to hum tunes that his parents used to hum to him as a grub/his first few molts. This is the first time he’s ever done it for them.

10) Beast Attack Rescue Crew A worker/volunteer force that monitors the Gigantic Beasts in Bug World AU. #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart#insectcharacter#originalcharacters

A worker/volunteer force that monitors the Gigantic Beasts in Bug World AU, every hive has their own various teams of insects that are in B.A.R.C. (pronounced like bark) that keep an eye on AND guard against said beasts. Liam's family is one of the teams from their Hive that found them in the ruins of their old human home!

Brutus the Scarab Beetle (Aka Uncle Blu by Liam, Finn, and Jake)

Is in charge of excavating and restoring homes/cities/ect destroyed by the gigantic beasts inhabiting their world. He, Vera, Gemma, and Abegail where apart of the rescue group that excavated Liam’s old human home when the mutated Lizard destroyed it and ate everyone.

There’s an unspoken rule among everyone in Bug World AU, anyone who gets into trouble with the Beasts gets help no matter what.

Brutus and Vera were first to get younger Liam out of the rubble and then handed over to Gemma and Abegail. Gemma and Abegail are the crew’s urgent medical care team. They all live in the same city/hive now. He’s a big sweetheart.

When he meets Scarab for the first time he does the same double take Liam did.
Abegail the Honeybee (Aka Auntie Abey)

A specialists in human medical practices! A rarity in Liam’s world with the low population of humans, but nonetheless, some insects take interest in learning how to heal humanoid/mammalian creatures.

Used to be apart of a big bee hive, but with old age her wings got worn down and she couldn’t do most colony jobs anymore besides assisting raising up larva. So she decided to just rip off the remainder of her tattered wings and join up with BARC (Beast Attack Rescue Crew, said like bark) as a medic.

Still keeps in touch with her old hive (and gets mailed honey and propolis often for both food and medical purposes).

With how rowdy Liam was when they were younger, it made them her most frequent patient. She has a fascination with humans, so Liam quickly becomes her favorite “grubling”.
Mr. Horrid the Horrid King Assassin Bug (Aka Gramps by Liam, Grampy by Finn and Jake)

He taught Liam how to fight, both against Beasts and potential overly curious insects that want to see what a human tastes like. He’s a True Bug of few words, but certainly knows how to get the “point” across.

Mr. Horrid has been friends with Liam’s moms for ages and in fact trained Vera. Dude’s super old. But doing well for his age.  He’s also around Vera’s height, and towers over most in their hometown.

He’s apart of the city/hive guards with Vera more often than not too.  And occasionally joins in their rescue efforts. But Horrid travels a lot more than Vera does, and a lot farther for some guard jobs and visiting his own family. Assassin Bugs are in high demand for guarding travel routes on the ground along with Ants. Wasps and Dragonflies usual handle air pathways.

Mr. Horrid also has been through a lot, missing almost an entire arm and hand. Both of which were plucked off by the Beasts. Doesn’t let it slow him down though. His wings are just tattered from age and so are his antenna.

Liam thinks he’s the coolest when they’re first introduced, and Horrid treats them (and their two siblings) like one of his own grandchildren. Finn and Jake on the other hand think he’s well- horrifying much to his dismay. He grows on them eventually, and they call him “Grampy”.

During guard work he’s super serious, but on his off time he’s a big sweetie and is always giving Liam and their bros food when he spots any of them. It’s that grandparent power that manifests food for grandkids.

His “Will” is to leave his parts of his Pronotum (The spiky bits shielding his neck and right above his wings) to Liam when he whenever passes on. Whenever any insect person dies they let their deceased bodies be consumed by others and pass down parts of their “armor” or even wing clips for others to make use of.

9) Wasp Moms This isn’t the first time Vera has convinced young Liam something like that is true, sometimes it still happens when Liam gets older too lol #adventuretimeoc#bugworldau#myart#insectcharacter#originalcharacters

Vera has somewhat of a morbid sense of humor, it comes with being frequently on guard for Beasts honestly. While Gemma (who’s gotten a redesign!) is sort of a scientist focusing on research on the Beasts and the effects they have on their environments!

She works closely with Abegail.

Honestly Gemma’s a big nerd, but Vera loves her for it. Fell heads over heels for Vera when she got her out of harms way from a beast they thought was immobilized from venom. It caught one of her antennae though.

Vera was trying to court her throughout every “mission” they had together in B.A.R.C but Gemma was to engrossed by examining Beasts. So when she finally got her attention Vera was like “OH GLOB FINALLY YEAAAAH!”

8) Marceline Marcy and PB are in Bug World AU, Marceline’s been a friend of Gemma and Vera’s family since the first guards that helped protect humans from vampires, newly forming Beasts and the ooze creatures! #adventuretime#bugworldau#adventuretimeoc#marcelinethevampirequeen#marceline#myart

Liam sees both Marcy and PB as pretty much as their aunts in a way.
Sir Ducky is young Liam’s most precious plush toy, and they were clinging on to Ducky when their human home was destroyed. They have him safely stowed away in their pack traveling with them when they’re older.

Scarab keeps Sir Ducky safe and sound until Liam regains their memories, when that happens he returns the isopod plush right back to them.
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