The Babe with the Power 🇺🇸🇲🇽
Bookworm. Love scifi/fantasy (esp. Star Trek, Doctor Who), little bit of everything movies & books. News, science, & history junkie. Mystery new followers w/o posts/bios will be Blocked. BE WARNED: I re-post a lot.
772 followers228 following11.1k posts

Recently one of my city's official pages posted on FB a well-intentioned post about fears of jobs being taken by A.I. and listed off some things that I can't remember right now, but to which I had to comment that none of them were actually A.I., just automation. Many don't understand the difference.


The Babe with the Power 🇺🇸🇲🇽
Bookworm. Love scifi/fantasy (esp. Star Trek, Doctor Who), little bit of everything movies & books. News, science, & history junkie. Mystery new followers w/o posts/bios will be Blocked. BE WARNED: I re-post a lot.
772 followers228 following11.1k posts