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The Legend of Peeroes: Trails of Chris Steele
Dad, lefty (hand usage and otherwise), Pathfinder enthusiast, low-maintenance Twitter castoff. I work full-time fixing research equipment that I probably broke.
135 followers263 following1.6k posts

After I post this, I’m going to uninstall the Bluesky app and take an indefinite breather due to some health issues that require me to remove big stressors. I know, no need to announce my departure or anything, I just don’t want people who actually enjoy my posts/replies to think that I died.


No loads refused vax dump event


He doesn’t have the waiver yet??? lol


People honestly think that kids become gay or trans because they saw someone else do it or because they saw one of the pride flags and felt left out


One of my mom and dad’s neighbors had a Trump/Pence sign that they finally got around taking down back in February


It’s always been the weather for me. Hurricanes freak me out and I start to sweat profusely once it gets above 72 degrees F outside (thanks, Scandinavian cold-hardy ancestors.) once a clearer picture of its politics and lifestyle came into view, it sounded more and more like literal Hell


There’s someone in my wife’s hometown who is flying a confederate flag in their front yard. A couple years ago it was a Steelers flag, and when I first met her it was a Don’t Tread on Me. I predict that it will be a Boston Celtics flag next, followed by a Nazi flag


They signed a contract with the guys who sell bootleg jerseys and tour T-shirts a block away from the venues


Having kids really made me appreciate libraries. It’s nice to always have somewhere to go when we just want them out of the damn house

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The Legend of Peeroes: Trails of Chris Steele
Dad, lefty (hand usage and otherwise), Pathfinder enthusiast, low-maintenance Twitter castoff. I work full-time fixing research equipment that I probably broke.
135 followers263 following1.6k posts