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Reposted by babs

When you hear Tucker Carlson or Stephen Miller taking a break from denying climate change in order to use it to justify their anti-immigrant agenda, know that they're working from a decades-old playbook established by white nationalist John Tanton:

Far-Right Extremists Embrace Environmentalism to Justify Violent Anti-Immigrant Beliefs
Far-Right Extremists Embrace Environmentalism to Justify Violent Anti-Immigrant Beliefs

Climate change and anti-immigrant hate are colliding, foretelling a volatile future.

Reposted by babs

eSims are needed more than ever since Israeli forces cut off telecommunications & internet access in northern Gaza. Help us buy more eSims and keep them active

Graphic with a light yellow background with a slice of watermelon on top. Text reads “Crips for eSims for Gaza Update 10/18/24, $1.4 million CAD raised ($1 million US) 14,302 eSims purchased and sent, 4286 eSims activated” On the lower left corner, “Thank you! Jane, Leah, and Alice.” On the lower right corner is a QR code
Reposted by babs

There’s just a flat out massacre happening at Jabalia Refugee Camp in Northern Gaza right now- targeted murder of hundreds of civilians

Reposted by babs

Here's 404 coming with the details. Great shit as always. Also: 'Meanwhile, a related PAC also funded by Musk is microtargeting likely Black voters on Snapchat with ads that says Kamala Harris is trying to ban menthol cigarettes'

Reposted by babs

Ryan Routh, accused of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump, asks Judge Aileen Cannon to recuse herself

Although Mr. Trump is the alleged victim here, he previously served as President of the
United States. While in office, he nominated Your Honor to her current position as a U.S. District
Judge on the Southern District of Florida. Your Honor thus owes her lifetime appointment to the
alleged victim in this criminal case.
After Mr. Trump left office, he was charged in this District with 40 felony counts relating
to his retention of classified documents. Your Honor recently presided over that criminal case, and
ultimately dismissed the case against Mr. Trump.
Mr. Trump is the current Republican candidate for President in next month's election. On
the campaign trail, he has repeatedly praised Your Honor for her rulings in his case. As the alleged
victim here, he has a significant stake in the outcome of this case too. Were he to become President
in the future, he would have authority to nominate Your Honor to a federal judgeship on a higher
court were a vacancy to arise.
Taken together, these unprecedented facts and circumstances might create an appearance
of partiality in the mind of the public. Accordingly, the Constitution and the federal recusal statute require Your Honor to recuse herself from this case.

I love the details! Really enjoyed the article, especially the Koons anecdote.

Reposted by babs

After one year of denying reality and helping facilitate the murder of more than 50,000 Palestinians with US bombs, the United States sends a letter to Israel demanding a list of compliances with international law which Israel has failed to adhere to, with 30 days to respond before "consequences".

Secretary Blinken's April 19 letter to Minister Gallant noted that - in accordance with U.S. law and polisy, including National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM-20) - the Departments of State and Defense must continually assess your government's
adherence to your March 2024 assurances that Israet wauld "lacilitate and not
arbitrarity deny, restrict, or otherwise impede, directly or indirectly, the transpurt
or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance and U.S. government-
supported international efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to and within Gaza, The Department of State will need to conduct a similar assessment under section 620l of the Foreign Assistance Act in order to provide additional Foreign
Military Financing assistance to Israel We are now writing to underscore the U.S.
government's deep concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in
Gaza, and seck urgent and sustainea actions by your govornment this month to
reverse this trajectory.
The humanitarian sit
government - including haiting commercial imports, denying or impeding nearly 90 percent of humanitarian movements between northern and southern Gaza in September, continuing burdensome and excessive dual-use restrictions, and instituting new vetting and onerous liability and customs requirements for humanitarian staff and shipments - together with increased lawlessness and looting - are contributing to an accelerated deterioration in the conditions in Gaza.
Since Israel's assurances in March and the April letter - which produced
Important improvements in the provision of humanitarian assistance ~ the
amount of ald delivered has dropped by more than 50 percent. The amount of assistance entering Gaza in September was the lowest of any month during the past year.
Conversely, Israel recently demonstrated with the successful campaign to administer polio vaccines to more than 560,000 children in Gaza what is possible and necessary to ensure civilians in Gaza receive the assistance that they
Rescinding evacuation orders when there is no operational need.
Facilitating rapid implementation of the World Food Program winter and logistics plan to repair roads, install warehousing, and expand platforms and staging areas.
• Ensuring Israeli Coordination and Liaison (CLA) officers can communicate with humenitarian convoys at checkpoints and assign division-level liaison officers from Southern Command to the Joint Coordination Board,
• Removing restrictions on the use of container and closed trucks and
- increasing the number of vetted drivers to 400.
• Removing an agreed list of essential items fram the dual-use restricted list.
• Provide expedited clearance processing at the Port of Ashdod for Gaza-
bound humanitarian assistance.
2. Ensure that the commercial and Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) corridors are functioning at full and continuous capacity by:
• Waiving customs requirements on the lAF corridor until such time as the
UN Is able to implement its own process.
• Allowing the JA
steps, whethe: with lawrators of using the authornes of the Prime Minister's Office, to ensure this does rat come to pass
We also urge you to
provide UNRWA with additional infor tion regarding these allegations, just as we continue to urge UNRWA to ensor. ; has a process in place to implement reforms to ensure confidence in the tentralty of UNRWAS personne).
The April letter underscored it is cribrat for israel to continue to demonstrate its strang commitment to meeting its international law obligations related to the conduct of operations against Hamas. including by allowing international
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) acess to individuals detained in connection with this conflict and reinvigoraung dwingue with the ICAC immegiately. Reports.
of abuses against detainees have only 'urther elevated the importance of Israel
doing so, urgently.
Lastly, it is vitally important that our kuvernments establish a new channel through which we can raise and discus civilian harm incidents Our
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