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Bass Of Pj
Lonely romantic who plays bass, learning how to program in Reaper. Might live stream again on Twitch if you ask nicely. Streaming again on Twitch. It's time to start showing the ghouls and fascists tangible consequences.
283 followers166 following4k posts

And even if it WW3's, the ramp up to that expanded conflict is happening right now under Biden. ISR is literally doing the same funky death cult shit that Apartheid South Africa was doing. Except they got fucking nukes and the backing of THE world's largest super power. They got no excuse for this.


ISR in one week just carpet bombed Lebanon and is now striking in Yemen. But oh my god fucking Trump1!!!!!1!!!!!!


Fully. I can’t believe other saner countries haven’t stepped in. A “coalition of the willing” for the 21st century: Germany and Scandinavia and the Netherlands and Denmark etc. Imagine a world that wasn’t so afraid of the US economically that good people were willing to end this evil

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Bass Of Pj
Lonely romantic who plays bass, learning how to program in Reaper. Might live stream again on Twitch if you ask nicely. Streaming again on Twitch. It's time to start showing the ghouls and fascists tangible consequences.
283 followers166 following4k posts