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Big Brother Gossip
Keeping you up to date on Big Brother! Been watching BB USA since the start! News, Spoilers, Live Feed Info! I'm also a fan with opinions #SorryNotSorry #BB25 Same handle on all the other apps.... we'll see which one wins....
692 followers204 following734 posts

Just got the email about all the upcoming Bluesky things - very hopeful!! Sadly I still spend too much time elsewhere but I soooo want this to become my go-to spot! I mean I can do THIS now ya know???

Sequester Wave GIF
Sequester Wave GIF

ALT: Sequester Wave GIF



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Big Brother Gossip
Keeping you up to date on Big Brother! Been watching BB USA since the start! News, Spoilers, Live Feed Info! I'm also a fan with opinions #SorryNotSorry #BB25 Same handle on all the other apps.... we'll see which one wins....
692 followers204 following734 posts