Brian Galle
Georgetown law prof guy. Mostly boring tax stuff; occasional dollops of nonprofits, law & econ, and other shiny objects that temporarily occupy my attention (e.g., a 15-month stint at the SEC for some reason). Could be arguing in my spare time.
233 followers310 following171 posts

Greetings, new law prof followers who write about normal non-boring things! I write about taxes (& random other things - yay tenure). Today's big internet tax controversy is about the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax. Which, as it happens, & I helped to write. 1/a few


Apparently the controversy is that some conservative commentators have started making, let's say, fairly inaccurate statements about the BMIT. Like that it will be a new annual federal tax on your home. Which is true. If your homes (& other net assets) are worth $100 million. 2/a few

Brian Galle
Georgetown law prof guy. Mostly boring tax stuff; occasional dollops of nonprofits, law & econ, and other shiny objects that temporarily occupy my attention (e.g., a 15-month stint at the SEC for some reason). Could be arguing in my spare time.
233 followers310 following171 posts