Brian Galle
Georgetown law prof guy. Mostly boring tax stuff; occasional dollops of nonprofits, law & econ, and other shiny objects that temporarily occupy my attention (e.g., a 15-month stint at the SEC for some reason). Could be arguing in my spare time.
233 followers310 following171 posts

Generally, the complaint about MtM tax is "but people have weird stuff whose value we don't know until they sell it." This is largely untrue; 3/4 of known U.S. assets are traded on an exchange. But! It's still important to get that last quarter right. And it turns out it's easy to do that. 4/


Our academic work gets into this in a lot of detail. The key point is that you can run a mark-to-market system just by waiting (for tough to value assets) until sale, but imposing an interest charge that captures the taxpayer's time value of money. /5

Brian Galle
Georgetown law prof guy. Mostly boring tax stuff; occasional dollops of nonprofits, law & econ, and other shiny objects that temporarily occupy my attention (e.g., a 15-month stint at the SEC for some reason). Could be arguing in my spare time.
233 followers310 following171 posts