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Beasts And Gods
“One who is incapable of sharing within the community or who is in need of nothing through being self-sufficient is no part of a city, and so is either a beast or a god.”
5 followers27 following72 posts

Knowledge & the physical world belongs to everyone; not the rich ruling class. This “revolution” will be “staggering” only if it’s NOT based on exploitative & profit or rent-seeking capitalist private bourgeois “intellectual property” or on patents granted to corporations and their greedy owners.


Join an anti-capitalist group near you! This is what Marx & Engels meant to address in Section II of the Manifesto when they proposed an abolition of “bourgeois property.” Not personal property; only private property whose aim is to exploit working people and profiteering from citizens consumers.


It’s the same reason Nazi SS soldiers were scared to surrender in uniform, while Wehrmacht soldiers weren’t. Cowards & hypocrites aware of having been immoral turds serving the ideological & material interests of an oppressive ruling class. Evangelicals the same today; their shame reveals the truth.


… see their net worth increase by 200% to 500% in the decade after leaving office. The message that the US has the “strongest economy in the world” might land with the top 2% to 5% who they speak to & figure are “their people”, but that Wall Street economy isn’t the economy working people live with.


There’s a name for that. It’s called false consciousness. They both laughed about illegally firing working people for exercising their legal right to organize to collectively bargain with their employer. That’s how they’d treat you given the opportunity.


… every other oligarch. Marxists take back the means of production and the material wealth in your country for the working people. Hillary Clinton has got no credibility. Zero.


… Like so many of the fucking Democrats all these fucking #Clintons are just more rich ruling class neoliberal capitalist oligarchs blowing culture war smoke bullshit to the working people of the USA. There’s no substance here. She’s full of shit and using fear to rule. Just like the GOP and …


… The Clinton’s wealth increased primarily through book deals, speaking engagements, and consulting work after Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State and during her 2016 presidential campaign. They’ve doubled their wealth since 2015. Why is she the voice of the working class or you? …


… and society in general. The ugly irony of course, is even Sid Vicious’s anthemic nihilistic chaotic anti-capitalist “great rock and roll swindle” style version of “My Way” is currently generating profits for the great billionaire oligarchy & contributing further the oppressive “swindle” everyday.


… filmed at Theatre Olympia isbthe best, most powerful and historically accurate and important and prophetic version, assessing its vapid sentimentality and predicting the wretched future just around the corner for all neoliberal finance capitalist controlled industries, including music …

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Beasts And Gods
“One who is incapable of sharing within the community or who is in need of nothing through being self-sufficient is no part of a city, and so is either a beast or a god.”
5 followers27 following72 posts