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Marine biologist, Scuba diver, underwater photographer and overall sea enjoyer from the dark cold waters of Sweden. I specialize in Nordic benthic marine macrofauna May or may not be found in a corner drinking coffee 🦑🪼🪸
42 followers63 following21 posts

Haven't posted on my scuba blog in ages, but i guess here goes? The latest underwater adventures in the cold nordic waters :) 🤿🦑

Jordfalls hamn 9/6 2024 Eh? is this thing still on?
Jordfalls hamn 9/6 2024 Eh? is this thing still on?

A Swedish diver's adventures in the Nordic waters, done in a way similar to a divers log book


This is sad 😢 Wonder what could be done to prevent at least a portion of this


Would that there was a way to track, or at least take care of these nets 😢

Reposted by Emil

Scientists raise the alarm: Too many harbour porpoises dying in nets. In Danish coastal waters over 900 die each year vs a 24 death limit that would keep Belt Sea population stable. In 2012 & 2016, there were around 40.000 individuals, by 2022, only 14.000 left.  🧪🦑🌎

"A dead harbour porpoise on the beach in Løkken, Denmark. Part of the net that it got entangled in is still visible. It's estimated that 900 harbour porpoises die every year as by-catch in the fishing industry. Photo: Lisbeth Cedray"

Finally broke my long surface interval from diving this weekend, while waters were cold, it was so nice to be back in business! Got some photos too, but i forgot to turn off the camera between the dives, so it ran out of battery on the second dive, when all the nicer things showed up 🤪 🦑🤿

White, semi-transparent, nudibranch with branching cerata crawling on a pink-encrusted piece of shell. The species is likely Dendronotus frondosus
A close up photo of a oat-pipe hydroid from the side, with its tentacles splayed out, the colour is pinkish with transparent tentacles and a beige stem
A sea anemone with a beautiful pattern of white and dark brown on the oral disc, at the base of the tentacles. A stark white line runs from the mouth to the base of the tentacles, towards the viewer
Sea anemone with a pinkish-red oral disc, and darker red triangle patterns on the oral disc, sitting on a sediment covered rock.

Another Wednesday, another reason to be pink. This is a Bryer's Nut crab (Ebalia tumefacta), a tiny species of crab that can be found on sandy, rocky and gravel seafloors. this particular individual was seen during Diversnight in Lysekil 2023 (no clue how i even spotted it) 🦑🤿📷🦀

A very small crab with very small eyes and a pink carapace, walking over shell gravel, there is some dust on the carapace itself as well

This is the ideal crustacean body. You may not like it, but this is what peak crustacean shape looks like :)


I am not surprised honestly, I too would be a bit miffed if someone came up and randomly brushed me with a kitchen brush 🤣 All hail the mighty KBOS🙌


that is indeed very smol :O


On Wednesday we wear pink! Though the name of the nudibranch is Violet sea slug (Edmundsella pedata), i'd say this one from Väderöarna archipelago is of a sufficiently pinkish colouration, right? 🤿🦑 #Nudibranch Photo date: 2021 07 24 Camera: Olympus TG-5

Puprple-pink coloured nudibranch with beautiful white "spine-tips" and tip of antennae, crawling on yellowish brown algae, the animal is facing away from the camera
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Marine biologist, Scuba diver, underwater photographer and overall sea enjoyer from the dark cold waters of Sweden. I specialize in Nordic benthic marine macrofauna May or may not be found in a corner drinking coffee 🦑🪼🪸
42 followers63 following21 posts