Ruler of All Galaxies
47 followers92 following163 posts
Reposted by Mukor

every poll right now is like: Swing State (n=2,343) Prop 2 (Abortion rights) Approve 71% Reject 25% “Donald Trump has called people like me 'vermin' in the past month" Yes 65% No 29% 🔵 Harris: 47% (+1) 🔴 Trump: 46%

Reposted by Mukor

Incentives really, really matter and ignoring them is a bad idea. "The mainstream media has settled on a narrative about this election, and they did it years ago. They want excitement and book deals and gossip and trash talking and the best way to get this is through a Donald Trump win."

If Kamala Harris Keeps Wonking, She Will Lose
If Kamala Harris Keeps Wonking, She Will Lose

Fight, Don't Wonk


The most likely scenario, in fact

Reposted by Mukor

seems to me like chappelle roan has "chappelle Blown" her chances a t keeping Politics out of my gadgets


Part of the reason the right wing is on the rise globally is that people don’t read history. And I don’t mean deeply, I mean, like, ever. Not casually. They don’t retain what they learned in high school. Nazi shit isn’t just evil - we all know that - it’s also always a failure. It doesn’t work out.

Reposted by Mukor

Of course, even the #BrokenTimes endorsement has to include a petulant peeve about not getting an interview. Give it up, A.G.

Many voters have said they want more details about the vice president’s plans, as well as more unscripted encounters in which she explains her vision and policies. They are right to ask. Given the stakes of this election, Ms. Harris may think that she is running a campaign designed to minimize the risks of an unforced error — answering journalists’ questions and offering greater policy detail could court controversy, after all — under the belief that being the only viable alternative to Mr. Trump may be enough to bring her to victory. That strategy may ultimately prove winning, but it’s a disservice to the American people and to her own record. And leaving the public with a sense that she is being shielded from tough questions, as Mr. Biden has been, could backfire by undermining her core argument that a capable new generation stands ready to take the reins of power.
Reposted by Mukor

Followed a girl playing a fife and now im lost in this weird forest. Potential red flag?


Ever since I quit drinking rather than wander into a bar and have a pint or three I just go into bookstores and look at all the shit I’ll never have time to actually read. Like, hot damn, this random history of Poland looks great (for instance)!

Reposted by Mukor

We've seen that the media knows how to tie a scandal to someone's neck and whip up news cycles about it until it sticks - the New York Times did it, absurdly, with decades-old, spurious plagiarism allegations against the President of Harvard - they just decided not to with Trump's corrupt bullying

Ruler of All Galaxies
47 followers92 following163 posts