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Blayne Haggart
Associate Professor, Political Science, Brock University Knowledge governance, IPE, Sydney Swans tragic Co-author, with Natasha Tusikov, The New Knowledge: Information, Data and the Remaking of Global Power (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).
41 followers137 following74 posts

So many of Canada’s problems, across the board, stem from the continued refusal to fully reckon with the negative consequences of four decades of blindly following an increasingly discredited ideology of minimal government and free-market liberalism.


In a better world, an opposition party would use Dan Breznitz’s brilliant, incisive essay in today’s Globe as their roadmap for comprehensive public-sector reform. Clear and correct on the problems and solutions. Essential reading for all Canadians.

Opinion: How not to run a country: Government ineptitude and Canada’s economic malaise
Opinion: How not to run a country: Government ineptitude and Canada’s economic malaise

Canada’s economic problems stem from a government that fails in basic operation capabilities, lacks the ability to think and is devoid of strategic leadership


Short answer: yes. Longer answer: also yes. An undeappreciated aspect of Can-US relations, noted by Stephen Clarkson, is that US dependence on Canada for border security actually gives Canada leeway in our relations. The US has to play ball w/ Canada to get what it wants.

Reposted by Blayne Haggart

"The reason we don’t see exploding battery attacks more often is not because it’s technically hard, it’s because the erosion of public trust in everyday things isn’t worth it."

Reposted by Blayne Haggart

For weeks (and arguably years) Trump and Trump supporters portrayed Harris as a barely verbal idiot. Then she thrashed him so badly he refused to debate her again. This says something about why diversity efforts matter and why the right opposes them

Now, it would be simpler for conservatives who claimed Harris was an imbecile to admit that maybe the current vice president and former senator, attorney general, and district attorney is just smarter than they were giving her credit for. But that would require abandoning the assumptions about Black people and women that drove them to make their initial assessment. They cannot do that, because doing so would illustrate why diversity efforts are necessary in the first place: that plainly competent people are often wrongly assumed to be stupid because they are not white men, and denied opportunities as a result.

Canadian pundits slowly realizing that the USMCA’s expiry clause is a time bomb that leaves US with a veto over any policy that the US doesn’t like. Their suggestion — total capitulation to preserve free trade — won’t work b/c the free trade era ended in 2018.

Globe editorial: How to secure continental free trade
Globe editorial: How to secure continental free trade

For Canada, whose economy is completely dependent on North American free trade, an expired agreement would be a disaster


Tackling such questions as (direct quote): "How do you edit journalism that is produced by a tool that is unpredictable and known to fabricate information?" If the answer isn't, don't use the broken tool in the first place, what are y'all even doing here?

Reposted by Blayne Haggart

Losing IA is a lot like the burning of the Library in Alexandria, except IA is not a library and they lit the torches themselves. They chose to challenge copyright law instead of sticking to what they did best, or even attempting to negotiate with publishers, and now we're at risk of losing it all.


Thoroughly enjoy Brat (the album). Am baffled by Brat (the summer).

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Blayne Haggart
Associate Professor, Political Science, Brock University Knowledge governance, IPE, Sydney Swans tragic Co-author, with Natasha Tusikov, The New Knowledge: Information, Data and the Remaking of Global Power (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).
41 followers137 following74 posts