Full Time Dad, Food & Bev Consultant, Writer, D.C. Made, S.F. Mixologist. Lover of books, art, music and flavors. #blackcreatives 🌱❤️🖤💚 🇵🇷 Fan of 🥊
211 followers350 following210 posts
Reposted by SAMOsapien

801 US billionaires control a record $6.2 trillion in wealth. The bottom 50% of Americans control $3.7 trillion in wealth. When 801 people control more wealth than half a country’s population, we have a very serious problem.

Reposted by SAMOsapien

The full family statement from "the collective family and close friends of John Amos," which says they "refuse to rule out the possibility of foul play"

Our family statement:
Please note that this statement is being released by the collective family and close friends of John Amos.
It is with profound sadness and distress that we must share the circumstances surrounding our father’s passing. He was a loving man who brought light into the lives of many. However, our family only learned of his death today through media reports, only to discover he actually passed away 45 days ago. Shockingly, we were not notified, nor were any family members informed. This tragic news has left us in shock and heartache. We do not have a death certificate, nor do we know where or why he died, but we know he was suffering from congestive heart failure and dementia. We fear he was likely cremated to avoid any potential investigation into the conditions surrounding his final days.
Our father suffered from dementia, and KC often gave John verbal prompts to create a narrative on social media that was not reflective of the truth. We were deeply concerned that our father may have been neglected and isolated during his final days as we recieved photos from concerned neighbors and a medical professional. One photo even prompted an Elder Abuse investigation to no avail. This situation mirrors Shannon and KC's mother's passing. KC also prevented family members from being present and making decisions together. Shannon fought to be by her mother’s side, and ensured she had agency over her final days.
The family also questions why no medical professionals, coroner, or authorities informed us of his passing, and why KC did not notify any family member directly. We believe there are critical questions that need answers, especially since we believe KC likely made the decision to have John Amos cremated without the family’s knowledge.
While we mourn the loss of our beloved father, we are also saddened and outraged by KC Amos's actions. We refuse to rule out the possibility of foul play, especially given the involvement of two individuals, Eugene Brummer and Belinda Foster (who claims to have been John's spokesperson), who we believe may have taken advantage of his vulnerability as an elder. At a time when we should be grieving and celebrating our father's remarkable life, we find ourselves in the unfortunate position of seeking justice and clarity. 
Shannon Amos (Daughter)
Quiera Williams (Grand-daughter)
Jasper and Nakia Willams (Son in Law & Wife)
Amy Goudy (God-Daughter)
Paul Baldessare (Business Manager)
Leslie Franklin (Brother)
Willie Quinney (Best Friend)
Sherri Korsun-Scott (Niece)

There’s a huge uptick in misandry on social media. I’d be lying if I said it was undeserved.


There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. Float, Float on...


Feeling some kinda way, about Bible scripture tats on breasts. Not sure if Jesus loves titties or bad tats. Enlighten me, which is it? 😂


Confession: I'm a Philogynist. It has nothing to do with Philadelphia or Dr. Phil. 😂


Having ADHD makes getting the laundry put away, cause for celebration. If I get 4 things done on my to do list, I feel grateful. I spend a good chunk of energy, just try not to implode. It’s fucking exhausting.


Find the holes in your life and fix them. Husbands, Wives, friends and lovers. Some of them don't need to be there. Plug the holes before they drain you...


Sometimes you have to journey alone, to find yourself and the truth in the situation. Remarkable things can happen when, you’re ready to receive them.

Full Time Dad, Food & Bev Consultant, Writer, D.C. Made, S.F. Mixologist. Lover of books, art, music and flavors. #blackcreatives 🌱❤️🖤💚 🇵🇷 Fan of 🥊
211 followers350 following210 posts