Black In Neuro
A grassroots movement turned non-profit organization with a mission to diversify the neurosciences by building a community that celebrates and empowers Black scholars and professionals in neuroscience-related fields.
733 followers21 following83 posts

The FIFTH Black In Neuro Week is just a few weeks away. Here’s a sneak peak at our day themes, and keep an eye out for registration details. #BINW24#BlackInSTEM#Neuroscience 🧪

A vibrant announcement for Black In Neuro Week 2024, detailing the event schedule from July 29- August 4. The central text, "Black In Neuro Week 2024," is displayed in an orange circle. Each day of the week is listed with a specific hashtag theme: Monday, July 29: #BlackInNeuro RollCall (in a yellow bubble).  Tuesday, July 30: #NeuroAcrossTheDiaspora (in a light green bubble). Wednesday, July 31: #BlackInNeuroCareers (in a blue bubble). Thursday, August 1: #NeuroRacism (in a light blue bubble). Friday, August 2: #BlackInNeuroFutures (in a purple bubble). Saturday, August 3: #BlackJoyInNeuro (in a light pink bubble). Sunday, August 4: #BlackRestInNeuro (in a red bubble). The design includes the hashtag #BINW24 and the Black In Neuro logo located in the bottom left corner.

Black In Neuro
A grassroots movement turned non-profit organization with a mission to diversify the neurosciences by building a community that celebrates and empowers Black scholars and professionals in neuroscience-related fields.
733 followers21 following83 posts