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The opening paragraph from Russell’s essay “An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish”:
“Man is a rational animal-so at least I have been told. Throughout a long life, I have looked diligently for evidence in favour of this statement, but so far I have not had the good fortune to come across it, though I have searched in many countries spread over three continents. On the contrary, I have seen the world plunging continually further into madness. I have seen great nations, formerly leaders of civilization, led astray by preachers of bombastic nonsense. I have seen cruelty, persecution, and superstition increasing by leaps and bounds, until we have almost reached the point where praise of rationality is held to mark a man as an old fogy regrettably surviving from a bygone age. All this is depressing, but gloom is a useless emotion. In order to escape from it, I have been driven to study the past with more attention than I had formerly given to it, and have found, as Erasmus found, that folly is

So much of current pervasive hustle culture is people afraid to even have a vision for their own life outside of capitalist social reproduction, let alone fail at something - “since I was a child all I’ve ever wanted was to enter, and indeed win, several rat races”


To say mathematics is about what follows from the axioms is roughly equivalent to saying that programming is what follows from assembly instructions - not wrong, but empty


"A globally connected electric grid would yield synergetically greater environmental and economic benefits than the sum of its nation-state parts operating in isolation could." -

The Weekly Anthropocene Interviews: Greg Watson, Systems Organizer
The Weekly Anthropocene Interviews: Greg Watson, Systems Organizer

A World Grid is being built, the long journey of American offshore wind, farmers' markets in Boston, and more!


We tell ourselves stories in order to theorize about the world


"If you think an economy in which price discrimination is normalized can be efficient, then you think Hayek's work is obsolete." - Hayek's knowledge problem applies to corporate price discriminators just as well as to state central planners

15 followers208 following36 posts