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Gregory A. Hargreaves
Historian of capitalism, environment, & technology in the longue durée. Assistant director of a center for advanced research. Delawarean. Dad. Spouse. PhD. Adjunct prof. First Gen. Hoopy frood.
1.2k followers910 following2.5k posts

As part of our unit on the First World War I’ve invited ROTC cadets to run my students through a basic drill. In 1917 the USA had virtually no experienced soldiers, so the wartime muster involved a lot of green recruits. My students will get a taste of the experience but with modern drill methods.

a group of people running on a track with a blurred background
a group of people running on a track with a blurred background

ALT: a group of people running on a track with a blurred background


Interesting idea!

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Gregory A. Hargreaves
Historian of capitalism, environment, & technology in the longue durée. Assistant director of a center for advanced research. Delawarean. Dad. Spouse. PhD. Adjunct prof. First Gen. Hoopy frood.
1.2k followers910 following2.5k posts