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We continue to fight for the freedom of all others on the move who are charged with smuggling simply because they steered a boat or car, or were arrested arbitrarily - like S.M., E.A., and B.A.! Full statement:

Crete: Acquittal for Three Men 'Identified' as Smugglers by Greek
Crete: Acquittal for Three Men 'Identified' as Smugglers by Greek


the rest of the passengers on the boat, and they spoke Arabic. This is great news! However, they have already spent an entire year in pre-trial detention. No one can give them back this lost time or undo the injustice they suffered.


🔥 In memory of Alan, Ghalib, Rehanna and more than 60,000 other documented deaths, we will continue to fight for a world without deadly borders! #SayTheirNames#NeverForget#AlanKurdi


Alan has become a symbol of the many lives lost to a racist, isolationist border regime. But since then, thousands of lives have been lost, and the system continues to point to increased border militarization and the criminalization of migrants and their supporters, rather than ensuring safe routes.

Reposted by borderline-europe

Die Beihilfegesetze haben

Porträt von Julia Winkler, borderline-europe

"We have documented countless cases where people on the move have received life sentences in some cases simply for steering a boat.
These laws are not fighting crime, they are a crime."

serious and persistent human rights violations committed by the authorities against refugees and migrants at Greek borders - including pushbacks, arbitrary detention and torture - remain unpunished.” 👉 Here the full study:

Study: A legal vacuum - the systematic criminalisation of migrants
Study: A legal vacuum - the systematic criminalisation of migrants


driving the bor or car’ and denounced serious shortcomings and abuses in the context of arrests and preliminary investigations. According to the study, as of February 2023, 2.154 people were detained in Greece on suspicion of smuggling, and 90 percent of them were third country nationals. Meanwhile,


It is inconceivable that within 28 days it will be possible to determine whether people are entitled to asylum or not. This deal is a further escalation of the inhumane European border regime.


this amount by far and the real cost is estimated to be around 1 billion euros. It is unclear how human rights standards will be guaranteed and upheld in a non-EU territory. The selection criteria for those to be sent to Albania and those to be taken to Italy are very vague.


Asylum seekers are to be identified and their asylum eligibility is to be assessed within a total of 28 days. 650 million euros have been budgeted for the next 5 years to build, maintain and staff the centres, i.e. 150 million per year. However, it is already clear that the costs will exceed this

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