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Borrie BoBaka
The Thauxan who does the things. Indie dev, former Star Wars Galaxies & Neverwinter Nights modder, simulation enthusiast. Solo Developer of Thauxan Studios, working on space opera sim "Synthaar"
5 followers13 following46 posts

Flashlights are cool, but you'll start to realize you're wasting screenspace. With your current setup, the walls are always present, always pushing in on the player and giving a sense of having little room to maneuver. Affecting player psychology is as important as limiting their visibility.


I get you. It is a bummer. It was for me at first. I managed to fall in love with my blocky little people, but everyone has their own taste. The way I've personally seen it is that I hope that these blocky little people will enable me to have the really cool realistic people I want one day.


Hell yeah, that looks great. And I can relate. Inanimate things, fine. Living things.. That's why I personally went so low res, so that the living things end up looking like blocky robots, but have just enough detail they look like a person. An alternative is to make very abstract characters.


I really appreciate a horror game whose art style uses a more ambient and distance-based lighting instead of relying on a flashlight where you only see a circle in the center of your screen. You've got a nice vibe going on in your demo there, very good art direction thus far!


Multiplayer implementation scares me. But damn would it be cool to have...


I can't draw either. It's a curse. What I suggest? Get into pixel art. Really low res pixel art. Like 16x16. It becomes less about drawing and more about piecing together a puzzle. The mind does so much more work to fill in the blanks. If you're not fond of pixels, you end up learning to love it!


This is great, I love these sorts of things. I hope you can throw drinks into the faces of unruly customers.


I know your pain. It's especially hard if you've been ignoring social media most your life like I have, and you've been afflicted with horrific social anxiety =D Here's to success, my friend.


This UI has that feeling like I am going to waste a whole three day weekend from 4th grade. Really love the scrolling background, and the subtle shine animation really gives this a good sense of polish. More feedback/movement in animation without it being over the top does wonders for that game feel


The Sims 3 is one of the coolest, most adventurous and interesting entries of the series that runs at about the speed of real time on the highest settings with a good computer.

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Borrie BoBaka
The Thauxan who does the things. Indie dev, former Star Wars Galaxies & Neverwinter Nights modder, simulation enthusiast. Solo Developer of Thauxan Studios, working on space opera sim "Synthaar"
5 followers13 following46 posts