Brigitte Delery
📚♥ 🌈Author. Writer. Nola chick. Deeply weird. Hangs out in cemeteries. Plays with kittens. And glitter. And words. Often in costume. I write hot mess immortals falling in love, often against their will. It’s Darkness and Sparkles all the way down.
81 followers106 following129 posts

I was not expecting my wonderful artist to give me slutty pumpkin man. But he's my favorite character sketch yet. (Part of a series of pumpkin head sketches now through end of Oct) I put him on a backdrop of confetti and wildly reaching hands. art by justinmapes #characterart


Brigitte Delery
📚♥ 🌈Author. Writer. Nola chick. Deeply weird. Hangs out in cemeteries. Plays with kittens. And glitter. And words. Often in costume. I write hot mess immortals falling in love, often against their will. It’s Darkness and Sparkles all the way down.
81 followers106 following129 posts