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The Hamster in My Brain
Sparks of inspiration and brilliant dreams They / Them Professional idiot part-time genius full-time dummy I like long walks on the beach, watching the sunset over the water, and conquering nearby star systems.
13 followers90 following67 posts

One single slip, a misplaced step, and you will find the darkness embrace your mortal form. The sweetness of breath escapes your lips. The dim light of life flees your eyes. It became a single thought your life once was. Alone and forgotten in the deep dark down.


The suns grace crests the dawn of the day. Beautiful warmth colors the path you walk. Gentle embraces from its glow invigorated your steps. Content and one with the world, you continue onward. I love you.


The new paths before us stretch onward into an endless sea of choice. We are legion now, with many backs stronger, pulling along this great chain of life. Never fail in your efforts, for you will bear the new dawn on your shoulders. Your progeny will see the fruits of your labor.


The dusks warm colors hit the foamy white sea. The beautiful green sea smashes against the base of the Great Sea wall, spraying rainbows through the air. The steep drop of the cliff gives way to coves of wrecked ships. Strewn, their wooden carcasses bleached and stained red by the setting sun.


A haunting Raven soars. Its rainbow black feathers dust themselves off across the beautiful cerulean sky. Its mournful call brings memories of autumn pouring through your mind. Like a handful of sand slipping through your fingers. The Ravens call brings out the pain of loss once more.


Torn apart and put back together. Time after time, you find your pieces and sew them shut again. Will you find them all this time? Is it OK to finally let go of some of them? You need to weed out the bits of yourself that keep holding you back. You need to finally let go.


The woods creak in the night. You watch from your home a deer as it grazes in the moonlight. Its ears flick back a moment too late. Claws slink from the shadows, entwine the deers middle, and in a bone splitting bleat, tears the animal away. The woods creak the night.


Ali stood there in the hazy, foggy morning light, gazing over the rooftops of the city buildings. A gentle breeze wafted in from the sea, carrying with it the invigorating scent of salt and freedom. A desire to set sail briefly captivated her before the chime of the oven jolted her back to reality.


"Wasn't that long ago when the split happened," he said shifting the packs weight around, "I was a few days out of Baltimore in a Cadillac I wired...all I saw was the dust storm kick up." A common story of anyone just far enough away from the east coast before it slid into the ocean.


Your anger is just, and your cause is right. The boots beat the drums of the coming fight. Your fists will not swing nor your bones break. Your words will cut through the lies and the fake. No matter your passion, your judgment, or will. Your voice will shatter, and their blood will spill.

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The Hamster in My Brain
Sparks of inspiration and brilliant dreams They / Them Professional idiot part-time genius full-time dummy I like long walks on the beach, watching the sunset over the water, and conquering nearby star systems.
13 followers90 following67 posts