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Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
20.5k followers12.2k following44.3k posts

Oh, that’s terrible. It’s so ungodly dark in that area at 2:30am and it’s so easy to get hypnotized by the road. Hope everyone recovers quickly.


SoCal firefighters having some bad luck on the road lately.

0 dude, san diego cops and others in that vein are so terrible in vehicles. theres an article about a cop chase followed by a crash and someone hospitalized or killed like 3x a week now. its like theyre using gta 3 as a training simulator


^^ one of my local contributions to the current hellish news cycle

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Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
20.5k followers12.2k following44.3k posts