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Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
20.6k followers12.3k following44.7k posts

For those of you keeping score like I do, the NRF is the organization that lied and fucked up so bad on their "retail theft" numbers that they just made up that they had to retract it, but not before providing an excuse for bootlicker stores to lock up all their shit


What's insane is that businesses are letting them dictate the tone of the negotiations at all! They cost big box upwards of 35% of their profits!! My company has been raking in every disaffected customer! If I were a maritime company, I would tie these ignorant clowns to an anchor and weigh away.


And also attempts to pass legislation to lower the threshold for felony theft and create an agency to "combat theft rings" Not like that would dovetail at all with any vote suppression efforts or be abused the by party that goes to the demonize immigrants well any time it has a bad news cycle


Thought of them when reading about the “2/3 of shoppers won’t buy items in locked cabinets” These liars are the reason those items are locked in cabinets.


This is shocking. I've seen a million things in politics & never for a minute would I believe the NRF would retract their lies.


And nobody wants to buy the shit they locked up.


They have no credibility after that horseshit and should not be treated as though they do


The winner of their comprehensive stupidity? Amazon. The main thing stores having going for them? You can actually get what you need in a timely fashion. But with less people on the floor and everything locked up? Yeah, that kinda defeats the entire purpose.


"Call the ambulance meme" with the knife-wielding man labeled "NRF" and the old man labeled "Biden."

Text: Call the Pinkertons… 
…but not for me!
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Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
20.6k followers12.3k following44.7k posts