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Brynk Bunny
Animator by day, bunny by night. Cartoonist by spare time. Love comics, cartoons, terrible movies and other geek crap. Late 40s. He/Him. #BLM 🏳️‍🌈 Socials:
684 followers172 following230 posts

Hello jetlag my old friend I'm so tired right now I think I'm legally insane


Today’s as a good an excuse to re-post this as anything. Happy International Rabbit Day! #furry#furryart#comics#InternationalRabbitDay

Panel 1- Brynk- January 22, at last! The Year of the Rabbit!!

Panel 2- Which means... yes... yes...

Panel 3- Our power has reached its zenith!

Panel 4- (bunny begins to float) Our time is at hand!!

Panel 5- (approaches camera) Let the world tremble...

Panel 6- (2 people eating dinner in a restaurant) Person 1- I'm having such a good time on our date! I love that neither of us is on fire!  Person 2- I also enjoy that aspect of our date.

Panel 7- CRASH! (a group of floating bunnies has broken down the wall, Brynk lights person 2 on fire with eye lasers) - Die, small-ears!

Panel 8- (The bunnies steam inside shooting lasers) Brynk- Kill anything that doesn't hop adorably

Happy Year of the Rabbit!!
Reposted by Brynk Bunny

Content scrapers post images without permission or credit to the original creators. They rack up followers and then sometimes sell the accounts, making money off other people's work. Please consider blocking them and if you want to avoid all of them you can use this block list. Thank you!


Catching up on the news. Man I love this. I hope Musk’s next change for Twitter is that you must be actively gargling his cum in order to use the platform. It’ll be fun to read the new crop of messages from Twitter furries saying they’re *ALMOST* fed up.

Reposted by Brynk Bunny

Oh, what's this? the cover for the first issue of Yiff! magazine? yes! Yiff! magazine is a furry publication that aims to share art and experiences from within adult furry spaces, and in our first issue this is exactly what we've done. Articles, artwork, reviews, poetry and more!

Reposted by Brynk Bunny

Some trolls/bigots are coming through today along with the cool people ditching Twitter. Remember: don't interact with trolls, just block. They're here to monetize outrage, which depends on interaction. Blocking deprives them of that. ❤️


Re: FA babyfur bans- uninformed speculation, but I assume it’s for money reasons. Admins wanting more compensation than Dragoneer accepted? No big stretch. But how would an increasingly cleaned up archive of art of largely non-copyrighted characters lead to more money? Who’d find that valuable? #hmm


It was full of cats.


I feel you brother

Reposted by Brynk Bunny

Yup. YOU clearly don't give a fuck, so why should I? "AI" art thumbnail? I tell YouTube to never recommend your channel to me again. "AI" art meme? Block. An "AI" art comic? Looks like I won't be buying anything from that publisher.

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Brynk Bunny
Animator by day, bunny by night. Cartoonist by spare time. Love comics, cartoons, terrible movies and other geek crap. Late 40s. He/Him. #BLM 🏳️‍🌈 Socials:
684 followers172 following230 posts