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Night Call is one of those movies that once it starts, it never lets you go as Michiel Blanchart delivers a heart stopping thriller that brings the tension , as this is one of the best thrillers of the year .

Night Call: Fantastic Fest Review - The Cinemen
Night Call: Fantastic Fest Review - The Cinemen

Every day we go about our lives, swimming through the river that is life. Things, however, don’t always go as planned. While you’re just swimming along, you may find yourself in the wrong place at the...


A Different Man , while a little twisted, looks at the identity in a unique way that is both funny and dark and will leave you thinking about things.… #FantasticFest


Dead Talent Society really knows how to pull on those heartstrings , while still delivering a cleaver , funny , and gory good time , so much so that, that I never thought a horror movie with make me smile so big.

Dead Talents Society - The Cinemen
Dead Talents Society - The Cinemen

For as long as we’ve measured time, the question has been asked, “What happens to us after we die?” Of course, that’s a tough one to answer because the ones who hold the answer are, well, dead. There ...


The 430 Movie feels like a Kevin Smith movie , though a John Hughes lens , and is a pretty charming coming of age story , and while it doesn’t always hit , this movie will take a lot back to a better time for theaters and movies.

The 4:30 Movie - The Cinemen
The 4:30 Movie - The Cinemen

When I was younger, the movie theater was like a church to me, where I would often go and have experiences that would shape me into adulthood. What was special then was that you would go to see a movi...


Speak No Evil keeps enough of the original’s menacing edge,and adding pluses for the most part to make this remake a perfect companion for the original. Add McAvoy’s owning his screen time and you get something to works .

Speak No Evil - The Cinemen
Speak No Evil - The Cinemen

When it comes to people who love movies, one of the worst words we can hear is: remake. Sure, there have been some genuinely good remakes, like Ocean’s Eleven and The Fly, but for every one that turns...

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