Burrito Justice
tacos en paz, burritos en guerra NPR: “a little bit of a burrito thought leader” senior member of TAPBL (The All Powerful Bike Lobby)
1.1k followers742 following736 posts

and this is no accident “Following a heatwave-driven blackout in 2020 and another close call in 2022, California’s Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) began ordering substantial new volumes of battery storage through its Resource Adequacy (RA) mechanism”

Following a heatwave-driven blackout in 2020 and another close call in 2022, California's Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) began ordering substantial new volumes of battery storage through its Resource Adequacy (RA) mechanism. This policy model requires the state's utilities and load-serving entities to procure capacity rights in long-term contracts from resources able to inject energy into the grid at specific hours. These contracts provide a stable and bankable revenue stream for battery project developers that is then complemented by revenues from participation in California Independent System Operator energy and ancillary service markets. The RA mechanism sits within the CPUC integrated resource planning process, which establishes target volumes for new resources in line with state climate goals and reliability requirements; the latest plan calls for an additional 15 GW of battery storage by 2035.

Burrito Justice
tacos en paz, burritos en guerra NPR: “a little bit of a burrito thought leader” senior member of TAPBL (The All Powerful Bike Lobby)
1.1k followers742 following736 posts