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Artist and micro-farmer in the north-east living his queer little life. No AI No NFT.
679 followers230 following240 posts

“Potat” linoblock and watercolor


Getting back in the saddle after the loss of my printmaking mentor and friend of mine about a week ago. He was a professor of mine and it’s hard to describe how much it meant to hear someone say I could be an artist. Not that it would be easy, but that if I tried, and I was a bit lucky, I could.


If you see this, post a Coyote! *releases funny lil spooky guy army*


Any colored pencil artists out there have strong opinions about brands? I’m shopping for my first professional set in a decade and a half, I’m leaning Polycromos but curious about your experiences! Ideally the softest lead possible, my hands are sensitive these days. #traditionalart


Going to be a few more days before I can get drawing, my wrist did some things it shouldn’t have while I was unpacking so I’m taking it easy!

Reposted by MĂźs made me another Amphisbene drawing! Some worldbuilding info in the ALT text!

A member of my original species, the amphisbenes, dancing while twirling a ceremonial camouflage cloak. Typically a dull green, mottled with the colors of native xeno-flora, the ceremonial version is a bright, fiery red. The amphisbene themself is daubed with red over their underside, and their clothing is made from layers of spiky furred hide and leather armor plating to show off their fat tail and powerful limbs. Jewelry, in the form of beaded chains woven over their six legs and two trunk-arms, symbolizes the paths spaceships take on their routes. Posed to strike at prey, their hand-beak open as if about to snatch something from the air, the amphisbene shows off their skill as a hunter and their power as a duelist. Fake (one hopes) hand-beaks hang just under their six eyes add to the effect. To a human, this sight would be utterly terrifying, since the typical amphisbene appears to be a six-legged spider the size of a grizzly bear.
Reposted by MĂźs

Last day! I brought Tricks to hang out on the shelf a bit since he didn’t get wear time this weekend


Also sorry in advance if I’m flaky today and bailing early on some things. We had an event come up that really threw us off our Saturday this morning and my wife and I are going to hunker down for the night after the den closes. Sorry to anyone who is missing me!


No demo today after a mild personal emergency, but yesterday’s tiger is done and hanging out on top of the table! And for sale

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Artist and micro-farmer in the north-east living his queer little life. No AI No NFT.
679 followers230 following240 posts