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Caliphate of Pakistan
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Reposted by Caliphate of Pakistan

Israel is done with Gaza, now they are slaughtering the Lebanon and muslim world has already moved on, no grand protests, no condemnations and no aid for Gaza and Lebanon. Fuck these hypocrites politicians.


Israel has firstly destroyed Hamas completely, then Israel started war at Lebanon which shows its satanic ideology of Greater Israel Project. Gradually it will annex Palestine, Lebanon, Jordon and Egypt. The silence of the Arab states are dangerous for their own. No one will left if Israel expand.


Hitler was right about Jews. He was the only visionary who was always right. But the west has shows Hitler as a villan. In reality, Hitler was the only one who had realized that the Zionists are the most evil and bad one in the entire world. West has always proved themselves as hypocrates and liars.


Netanyahu has proved that he didn't want peace he wants war. He wants Bloods. He wants to kill innocent civilians. He is more cruel and evil than Hitler. But unlike Hitler West has given full support for this zionist puppet. Which shows that West stands with the bad one. Hitler was right about West.


May Allah accept the martyrdom of Hasan Nasrullah of Lebanon. His support for the Palestine and efforts for resistance against Israel will be remember in the histroy. Hope that Hezbollah new leader will prove himself more stronger and hardcore against Israel. #Hezbollah#Nasrullah#Lebanon

Matyr Syed Hasan Nasrullah of Lebanon (Leader of Hezbollah - A Part of Axis Of Resistance)

Israel's evil dream to invade Lebanon will break soon and it's end is in the hand of Hezbollah. May Allah give victory to the mujahideens of Hezbollah. The real warriors and defenders of Islam. #Hezbollah#Lebanon#Israel#Iran


Those coward Muslims who were crying for Palestine (Sunnis) because they were opressed but now silent on Lebanon (Shias) just because there Shia Hezbollah are losing lives, are the biggest hypocrate of the world. #Lebanon


After the explosions of Pagers, Walkie Talkies, Laptop, Smartphones and Solar Panels in Lebanon, the entire World is now in danger. A new type of warfare has been introduced and now it can't be stopped. #Hezbollah#Lebanon


We pray for the victims of the pager detonations in #Lebanon and ask Allah to have mercy upon the martyrs of this wide-scale Israeli aggression. May Allah strengthen the Islamic Resistance and remove the oppressors.


Why everytime Afghans disrespect Pakistan while Iran and Pakistan are those neighbours who hosted millions of refugees from Afghanistan for three to four decades when Soviet Union had launched aggression and later US forces came to Afghan Land after 9/11? #AfghanConsulateGeneral

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Caliphate of Pakistan
Observer, Representative, Leader
102 followers474 following226 posts