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Carissa Jean
Artist, writer, zine maker, tired
8 followers47 following78 posts

Israel out here contemplating how much the US will let them get away with

Bilbo from Lord of the Rings contemplating keeping the one ring. Text reads: “after all…why not? Why can’t I have two genocides?”

It’s also a fun article to publish on the same day Israel is invading Lebanon. Don’t be stressed out! Enjoy your coffee! No one likes you if you’re a worrier, so be nice to yourself and don’t! By the time you’re done pausing to be thankful for your life you’ll forget about all those dead civilians!


My favorite part of articles like this is the tips always boil down to some sort of gratitude practice that more or less amounts to making those of us w/chronic anxiety more digestible to the public.

Stressed out? These 8 skills can help boost mood and reduce anxiety
Stressed out? These 8 skills can help boost mood and reduce anxiety

Life is stressful. Whether it’s work or relationship issues or you’re worrying about politics or global conflict, it can be overwhelming. NPR’s Stress Less: A quest to reclaim your calm aims to help.


Imagine witnessing one of the worst storms in history, millions without power and bodies floating down streets and the only thing our nation’s leadership can say is congrats to Israel for murdering some guy. Great timeline! Great country!


Just adding another one to the pile. How far is “no place too far” and when do we think they’ll turn the language of “terrorism” around on college students or pro-Palestinian protests?

A screenshot from the BBC showing Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant. There is a highlighted quote from Gallant that states “our message is clear- for us, no place is too far” in regards to air strikes from the IAF

One of my favorite things about Biden is how he’s never said or done anything regarding environmental disasters. Never made it out to East Palestine, OH and simply can’t be bothered to speak on Helene’s destruction. A true legacy to behold! Can’t wait to forget he ever existed!


In theory, this includes the USA. Israel is navigating towards nuclear war and leveraging our election cycle to get away with it. Someone needs to tell Netanyahu he’s a messy bitch instead of giving him billions of bombs

A screenshot of a bbc article which highlights a quote from Netanyahu threatening “Israel could, and would, hit its enemies, wherever they were”

Loomer really out here trying to let Donny Deals make her Secretary of State (but she thinks it’s like the movie Secretary) (No, she doesn’t know who Mary Gaitskill is and doesn’t believe in short stories anyway)


Something to keep in mind whenever someone says “meeting a manager is mostly luck.” Okay, cool. Stop gatekeeping the luck!


Trying to break into the industry as a screenwriter with limited resources is so funny. I keep joining local (Bay Area) filmmaker groups and following theaters and festivals on social media, and every single one of them, without fail, will post about an event AFTER it happened.

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Carissa Jean
Artist, writer, zine maker, tired
8 followers47 following78 posts